8/Eight: By My Side [JisooXJinyoung]

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"Mommy! Mommy!" Little Jisoo came barging inside her mother's hospital room, looking all messed up with a gash on her arms

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"Mommy! Mommy!" Little Jisoo came barging inside her mother's hospital room, looking all messed up with a gash on her arms. "Mommy! It hurts!" Jisoo wailed.

"Omo! What happened to you?" Jisoo's mother asked, looking amused.

"She fell on the swings earlier." Little Jinyoung reported as he entered the room with a ball tucked under his arms. "I tried warning her about the slippery rails but she never listened." Jinyoung added, glaring at the girl who immediately hid herself behind her mother.

"Oh dear." Jisoo's mother chuckled a little, knowing how clumsy her daughter was. "Come here. Let's fix that up, shall we?" Jisoo's mother smiled warmly, making the little girl stop from crying.

After treating Jisoo's wound, the little girl had fallen asleep on the couch, leaving her mother staring at her serene face while Jinyoung was just sitting on the chair beside the hospital bed.


"Yes, auntie?" Jinyoung answered reluctantly, as he stared at the frail woman lying on the hospital bed.

"I want to thank you for being a good friend to my daughter, even though she's clumsy and whiny." The woman smiled warmly towards Jinyoung and then stared at the sleeping six year old girl on the couch. "Would it be too much to ask you to stay by her side when I'm gone?"
Jinyoung stilled on his seat, staring at the pale looking woman. He knew that Jisoo's mother will only have a month to live and it hurt him to see her still smiling through it all.

"Don't worry auntie. I will always stay by Jisoo's side. I will protect her in your stead." Jinyoung answered.

"Thank you Jinyoung-ah."

At Jisoo's mother's funeral:

"Mommy— Mom— Mommy!" Jisoo cried harder as she stared at the casket being lowered into the pit. "Mommy! Please don't leave us, mommy!"

Jinyoung's heart hurt after seeing Jisoo cry and the fact that she doesn't have a mother anymore. Only her father was left and seeing the messed up expression of her father, Jinyoung was sure that they were having a very difficult time. Jinyoung saw how Jisoo's father was crying as he kept on hugging the casket, stopping the people from lowering the casket.

"Chichoo—" Jinyoung had left the side of his parents and went beside Jisoo who kept on crying.

"Jin—Jinyoung-ah— My— Mommy— She—" Jisoo sniffed, tears was still streaming down her red cheeks. "She's gone, Jinyoung-ah—"

"Shhh. Please don't cry anymore, Chu." Jinyoung said, his hands reaching for Jisoo. "I'm still here. I'll stay by your side. Always." Jinyoung stated, making Jisoo stop from wailing.

Jinyoung smiled warmly towards his childhood friend and strted to wipe Jisoo's tears. Jisoo bit her lips, stopping herself from crying. Jinyoung took Jisoo's hands once again and squeezed them reassuringly.

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