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a huge part of me didn't want our lips to part but we had to go back to the tour bus.
"corbyn" i said parting our lips.
"please babyyy" he whined.
how could you resist corbyn matthew besson calling you baby? exactly you couldn't.
"we have to get back on the bus though"
"i don't want to leave you"
"you won't lose me i'm in the bus"
"yeah but i can't kiss you on the bus with everyone looking at us dani"
he had a point. then i remembered jonah. jonah knew about our relationship.
"jonah knows" i blurted.
"what?" he turned red.
"he um...heard us when we um"
i couldn't even fucking talk. i could tell he was embarrassed as he turned around to look back at the door. i turned him back to me as i sat in his lap. he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"i love you" he said as he kissed me again. hearing i love you in a more than friend's way fluttered my heart. he loves me.
"i love you too"
i climbed off him and went back to the tour bus. jonah was waiting outside. shit shit shit.
"hey?" i said. what the fuck daniel. that's sus.
"can we talk?"
about what jonah? about my sex noises?
i glanced back at corbyn. he was laughing with jack and teasing zach. i had time. jonah led me to the back lounge and locked the door.
"are you and corbyn a thing?" he quietly said.
i gulped. i didn't hide my sexuality from jonah. i could be honest with him. just breathe daniel.
"i guess" i murmured. i sounded like a baby that didn't know how to talk yet.
"is corbyn gay?"
jonah moved closer to me.
"daniel you don't need to hide it"
"i know i just don't know how to explain everything. i mean jack and zach are stupid but eben? jon? the crew? i mean there so busy with everything and i don't want to make everything more chaotic"
i got stressed as i sat down and buried my face in my hands. i wanted to cry. i wanted to treat corbyn right. he's one of the people that mean so much to me. and if i could possibly ever ruin something between us it wouldn't be good for the friendship.
"daniel i don't want you to be stressed out about your relationship" jonah said crouching down and laying his face in my lap.
"that's not it it's my first ever gay relationship jonah. my first ever relationship"
"it's going to be ok daniel. you're a good guy. i know that you are. you're sweet and caring for everyone around you. don't think you aren't good enough daniel"
jonah was the only one that could relax me. otherwise corbyn he was the one i was closest with most of the time.
"thanks jonah i needed that"
he leaned and placed a kiss on my forehead.
"now come on your boyfriend is getting attacked by seven year olds"

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