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of course. i was still awake. time zones always started to fuck around with my sleep schedule. i crept out my bunk as i stood next to corbyn's. i hesitated, but later pulled the curtain slowly. he was fast asleep. there was something in his hand though. i smiled. it was his necklace. the one that says besson. we all wore our last names except jack and zach wore each other's. i took mine off replacing his with mine. i wore his necklace as i heard a creak on the bus.
jonah looked back to me. he smiled. i walked over to him. he was working on the table.
"why are you up?"
"corbyn said you were asleep"
jonah took off his headphones ruffling his hair. my heart did a backflip. he looked up at me and then down at the screen.
"well you know me i'm an insomniac freak"
i let out a small laugh. i turned to look over at the mirror hanging on the wall.
"my hair looks disgusting"
jonah looked back.
"it looks fine what's wrong"
i pointed out the brunette roots forming.
"well i miss brunette dani anyway"
my cheeks stung at the part of my name.
"i'm going to shave my head"
he rolled his eyes closing his laptop and making his way to me. i looked at him as he looked at the mirror.
"you should do some stupid shit to your hair"
"daniel i'm not jack avery" he said putting his hands in his joggers. his gaze shifted from my face to my neck. he touched the chain around my neck.
i messed up my hair to distract the fact of my cheeks going pink. jonah giggled.
"i know you're mad in love seavey no need to hide it"
i made eye contact with him as he looked back. he let go of my necklace as his hands trailed down my shoulders.
"can i ask you something?"
please don't bring it up jonah. i was praying he wouldn't bring up that night ever. he took a step back as his fingers tangled back in his hair.
"...you love him don't you?"
i looked at the floor.
"of course i do"
i glanced back up at jonah making coffee.
"then do me a favour please"
"jonah it's 5 am"
he smiled.
"i don't give a fuck."
"make me a cup" i whined.
"you don't even like coffee"
"yeah but i've been awake since 4"
jonah placed another cup in the keurig.
"what's the favour" i mumbled.
he looked back at me and smiled.
"just keep him happy. and keep yourself happy"
i let out a soft smile. jonah looked away. a part of me felt terrible. and a part of me didn't know if i still liked him. he handed me my cup but i didn't grab it.
i took the cup and placed it on the counter.
"daniel your wasting my po-"
i leaned in for a hug. he didn't hug back but he squeezed me in a hug.
"i love you" i whispered squeezing him softly.
"i love you too i promise"
i pulled away as his fingers fixed my hair.
"now you look pretty"
i laughed.
"who looks pretty?"
both of us looked back at jack.
"morning jacky"
he sat down at the counter.
"is anyone drinking this?"
i opened my mouth but he didn't hesitate to drink it.
"aaand there goes my coffee"
jonah laughed.
"jacko why are you awake?"
he put down the cup.
"i have a headache and i got hungry"
he looked back up and furrowed his eyebrows.
"hey daniel" he said smiling with his eyes closed.
i waved back.
"what time is it"
"um 5 this isn't really jack of you to wake up early"
he basically choked on his coffee and started coughing. jonah went to him patting his back.
"easy jack"
"ew why am i awake?"
i laughed going over to hug his side.
"why are you guys awake? weirdos"
jonah rolled his eyes. jack took another sip of his coffee.
"where's corbyn and zach?"
"still asleep"
jack bit his lip.
"go wake zach"
"because i love zach and i want company"
"it's zach he won't budge.
"i'll make him"
jack slid out to go to the bunks.
"ja- and he's screaming"
"herron wake the fuck up"
"leave me alone jonah i'm tired"
"it's zach dipshit"
jonah spit out his coffee as we broke in laughter.
"stop screaming" corbyn's voice mumbled.
jonah and me poked our heads to the bunks. jack was up. but he was wacking zach with a pillow.
"jesus fuck it's too early!"
"come on! eat cereal with me" jack whined.
"jack shut the fuck up" corbyn said throwing his pillow at jack.
"what's going on?"
eben's voice made jack stop attacking zach.
"jack put the pillow down"
i blurted out a laugh.
"why is he having a seizure?" he said pointing to jonah.
"it's daniel." jonah replied sipping his coffee.
"i'm fine i promise" i wheezed.
"daniel please breathe"
corbyn walked to eben giving him a hug. i noticed the chain around his neck. he put it on. i smiled.
"morning daniel" he blushed.
"morning" i said hugging him

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