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corbyn was asleep. his phone dinged. i reached over to corbyn's side to grab his phone.  i read what it said:

today 9:37 pm
trey: loved coffee this morning corby. i love you. can't wait to see you when your back from tour.

i'm overreacting i'm overreacting. stop overthinking it seavey just go to sleep. i didn't answer his notification. it wasn't my business. i put his phone down and kissed corbyn's cheek. he looked so perfect asleep. his pink cheeks and blonde messy locks covering his eyes. i needed to learn to trust him. i mean i said i love you to jonah all the time. he wasn't gay. why was i being so jealous? i tried closing my eyes. it didn't work. i didn't want to spend the night bothering corbyn so i got up. tomorrow was a free day for us and i wanted to take corbyn out on a date. i left corbyn in the back lounge because we never sleep in our 'pods' anymore. jonah was awake.
"hey you ok?"
i wasn't lying i was just out of it.
"are you sure?"
i didn't want to tell him that corbyn was 'cheating' on me. because he wasn't. he's a good guy. those rumours of him cheating weren't true. they weren't!
"daniel? hellooo?"
i snapped out of my thoughts.
"yeah i'm fine i'm tired but i can't sleep"
jonah put his phone down.
"do you want to go outside?"
i grabbed corbyn's hoodie as i walked out with jonah. he could notice something was bugging me. i always play with my rings when i'm nervous or upset. he led me up to the top of the roof of the venue. he let out a deep breath as i did the same.
"do you want to tell me or no?"
his brown eyes were soft and hidden because of the dark. i nodded. where do i start?
"do you like me with corbyn?" i blurted out.
what the fuck! daniel...
"yeah i'm fine with it what's up?"
god just say the words. corbyn. is...
"i think corbyn is che- doesn't like me"
again? really? you messed it up dipshit!
"no he does i promise" jonah says looking down.
"before you were a thing i knew he liked you"
he fumbled with the strings of his hoodie.
"am i bothering you?" i mumbled.
"no no your not i like your company" he said touching my hand.
"look i'm nervous that something bad is gonna happen. and i'm just being so anxious"
"it's ok to be nervous daniel. everyone gets nervous"
the view from above the venue was beautiful. we were in minnesota and the view at night with it's chilly wind was so relaxing. the blue banners of our concert stuck out as the lights were down and the only light was the shine of pole lights and streetlights. it was quiet. i liked it. i turned back to jonah who started to get up. when i got up i slipped and jonah giggled as he caught me. he lost his balance and fell me ontop of him.
his lips were so close to mine. jonah didn't get up. he gazed back at my eyes and back to my lips. he broke the gap as he kissed my lips ever so softly. it was wrong.
i pulled away and i helped him up silently. what did i just do. jonah could notice the guilt in my eyes.
"i'm sorry"
i didn't want to answer him. it was getting dark and cold. and i wanted to go back inside the bus. i didn't want to talk to him about what had just happened. because no one should ever figure out about it.

feels | dorbyn Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora