The beginning.

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I never really took the time to think about what I needed in life, my mind was always filled with saving the world especially when it comes to eggman allways up to no good, I was lying in bed actually thinking about things for the first time, I thought I was ill but I asked tails if he could check on me he said that I was completely healthy, in other words something was bothering me but I just didn't know it yet.

I laughed at things I thought, I cryed at thinks I thought, I even went as far as to acting some things out, like I was talking to someone but really there was nobody there.

Even tails noticed my strange behaviour and kept an eye on me most of the time, he then suggested that I'd go out for a run so I did but I still ended up thinking about things while doing it.

Seriously there has to be something wrong with me im not usually like this.

So lost in my thoughts I wasn't looking where I was going and tripped on a rock that sent me flying into a tree "owww" my head started to hurt from the collision and held it in my hands then....


Grate the last person I'd want to see.....I looked up and could see her standing over me.

Amy:"baby what are you doing you could badly hurt yourself doing that"

Sonic:"im fine Amy I just tripped thats all".

I then tried to get up and scramble away from her but she pulled me back....great.

Amy:"why are you trying to run away from me sonic?"

She asked with a slight sad face, I couldn't say anything because I didn't know what to say I had been caught there wasn't really much I could do.

To my surprise and my worst nightmare she pulled me in and kissed me on the lips.


I then pushed her away from me in annoyance and shouted at her.


She stumbled at my push and then looked down.

Amy:"s-sorry s-s-sonic"

She then quickly left and ran home, I watched her run and then I sat down on a rock, and it was probably the rock I tripped on then I herd a voice startle me.....

(Sonadow!) The beginning to The end.Where stories live. Discover now