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I could feel his hart beat strong and ferm, his breath was soft but powerful, and his entire body felt so warm.....I don't know why he's so warm all the time, hes so lucky, if I could I'd have him as my hot water bottle heheh.

Shadow: "........."

I pushes myself up and looked down at shadow who was looking up at me with that look he always used to give me where you never new what emotion he was showing so I didn't know if he wanted to kill me or if he was ok with what just happened and wouldn't beat the crap out of me...

Sonic: "s-shadow I-im so sorry I-I didn't see the paperwork on the stairs p-plea......"

He brought a thinger to my lips to shut me up.

Shadow: "don't worry about it, it was just an accident"

I looked at him in the eyes and then looked at his thinger on my lips, he then took them away and layed down on the floor more which made me blushe a little......I really need to stop with the blushing I don't know why im doing it its weird.

Sonic: "uhhhh s-shads?"

Shadow then started to blushe as he lifted his head again, his eyes where wondering down and would refuse to look at me.

All of a sudden I felt his hand travel up my spin to my quills on the back of my head and he ran his thingers through it then clenched it so my quills where in his hands and I wouldn't be able to move my head.

Sonic: "......what are you doing?"

I asked a little surprised.

Shadow: "I-I can't t-t-take it a-any-anymore"

As he said that I could feel his hand in my quills tighten and start to try and pull me closer to him, I then saw shadows eyes go half leded and look at me with almost what looked like....l-love.....

He then put his other hand on the side of my face.

Sonic: "s-shadow w-what are you d-doing"

Then his lips connected with mine, they where so soft and warm but I didn't kiss tell you the truth.....I've never kissed anyone before so I didn't really know what I should have done.

Shadow: "mmmmm"

He moaned and moved his hand from my face down my back and to my ass and rested his hand there.

Sonic: "......."

I was so stunned that I couldn't do anything,

He then squeezed my ass which made me jump, I tried to pull away but he wouldn't let me he had me tight in his grasp.

He then licked my lips, I didn't know if that ment anything but it felt all tingly and made me shiver.

Sonic: "...m...mmmm!"

He then forced his tongue past my I new what that ment.....he wanted to French kiss me!

Shadow: "mmmh"

I don't know why but I opened my mouth I didn't want to but something made me feel the urge to do it, he then slide his tongue in my mouth and and twirled it around felt strange but I admit it was the best feeling I've ever had..........what WHAT! Shadows guy?!?!

He then pulled away and looked at me with a lazy look but then his expression changed to a shy and sorry look and before I could say anything he had chaos controlled out of my sight.

Sonic: "........."

(Sonadow!) The beginning to The end.Where stories live. Discover now