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I sat up and looked around me....the paperwork and folders where everywhere.......so I decided to pick them up and put them back in the right place as best as I could.

I finally finished picking up all the papers a that and looked around the room.

Sonic: *thinks* ......w-where are you shadow?

I then opened the door to finally see the green green grass, my legs trembling in excitement and before I know it im off speeding through the trees finally feeling that amazing wind flush my face and run through my quills.


I then came to a halt as I stupidly forgot, I looked around by the cliffs edge and to my surprise shadow was sitting right on the edge with his legs hanging off of the edge.

I walked over to him and sat down next to him very carefully and looked at him, he had his ees closed.....I don't think he new I was hear...

Sonic: "errm....s-shadow? "

He opened his eyes wide and looked out to the sea, he didn't move, he didn't speak, he didn't even blink.

Sonic: "shadow.......why did you......kiss me?"

I asked in a way where I wasn't so demanding.

Shadow: ......I.......I...

He then disappears again.

I looked down in disappointment and sadness......for about 10 days I never saw shadows face again until the 11th day, he left a note on my table, the letter read,

Dear sonic

If you would like to talk to me then go to thr cliff at 9 o'clock I think I have a confession to make....

Sorry its short! -_-

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