Chapter 1

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"Shh, Taehyung, calm down. Said what you had saw that night. Everything," hushed Namjoon, trying to coax the poor man whose wife had been killed infront of him.

Taehyung close his eyes with black comfortable coat sleeve, shoulders shaking rapidly, not showing any sign that it would stop. Everyone stared at Taehyung with sadness shown in their eyes. They hate seeing their friends sad.

"We're so sorry for your loss," mumbled Hoseok. He was a friend with Taehyung's wife and they had a good friendship together, along with Jin and Namjoon.

Taehyung said nothing, but the room was filled with the sound of his quiet sobbing that slowly decrease to heavy breathing with multiple hiccups.

Namjoon, being the 'father' figure and the leader of their FBI group hugs Taehyung to calm him down. Namjoon and Taehyung are good friend, and everyone knew that if the poor man had a problem, he would either go to Namjoon or Yoongi.

"Just, why would that famous murderer killed his wife? Is there any objective or reason for him to target her?" asked Jin in curiousity, despite none can give the exact answer for his question.

"In most cases, maybe she knew something that she wasn't meant to know," replied Hoseok, thought it was just a mere answer that didn't have any comfirmation on it. Jimin agreed, "Yeah, maybe. Then the killer felt threatened, and-"

"Shush," hushed Yoongi, a little bit harsh. "Think about Taehyung."

Taehyung looked away from others, thinking deep and far from others. No one knew what he's thinking about.

"Sorry," apologized Hoseok as Jimin just showed off a quite guilty face. Then the door to their office slid open and their boss stood at the door. His face fell after the second he saw Taehyung.

"Mr. Kim, I'm here to express my deepest condolence for your loss."

"Mhm," is all Taehyung manage to voice out. Their boss took a seat and look into each of the eyes of seven young FBI agents. Only Taehyung and Jimin are the one who had an experience of getting married, but both wives had died. Jimin's died in an accident three years ago, and now, Taehyung's died in a murder.

A crime.

But the case is handled by the seven of them including the boss, because they doesn't want the police to know about Taehyung's occupation. This is a serious secret.

"You have to know that being an FBI agent, lots of evil eyes are fixated at you. Even some of your loved ones get targeted. This is the risk of being an undercover agent. Taehyung, I hope you'll be strong," then the boss looked at Jimin with calm, sad eyes, "and you too, Jimin."

Jimin rubbed the back of his head with a little pained expression, "Ah, it's okay," then his face turns normal. "Death are unevitable, and being sad about it even further gives you no benefit whatsoever."

"Such simple but wise words, Jimin," complimented Hoseok in quite awe. Jimin is considered one of the childish agents in this group, along with Jungkook and Jin, but some wise words spitting out from the considered children's mouth aren't so bad.

The boss just smiled, "Yes. You've become even more mature than last year, Mr. Park. I'm proud of you," then the boss looked at Namjoon's way. "Got any problem with handling this group?"

The room went silent for a second, then Namjoon replied, "Ah, yes."

The boss's eyebrows were raised immediately. "Hm? With what?"

"With... Jungkook's banana milk," he said while pointed out toward Jungkook's work table which is trashed with empty bottles of banana milk.


"You didn't need to open your big mouth," grumbled Jungkook under his breath, earning a big laugh from Namjoon and little chuckles from Jungkook.

"Ah!" shrieked Namjoon. "Oh, yes. You didn't... tell us the details about the night of the murder yet, Taehyung."

Everyone immediately went silent. "Ah," mumbled Taehyung, despite the heavy feeling burdened in his chest.

"I'm sorry for asking," Namjoon gulped, "But we need to know about the details so we can get some informations about the famous killer."

"Hm..." Taehyung hummed, trying to think about the night without feeling emotional. He couldn't feel anything right now.

Knife. Blood. A sharp object were stuck inside his wife's chest. There's a multiple stabbing wounds on her abdomen, and she doesn't appear to be moving. Frantic, heavy-breathing Taehyung searches for a single pulse to be felt, hoping for a single arrow of light to went throught this smoke of madness that's clouding his mind.

And... yes. There is a faint sound of a weak pulse coming from her. I hugged her body without taking out the knife, knowing that it would make the situation worser. I rip off a certain amount of fabrics from our bed blanket and wrapped her wounded body area to stop the bleeding. I quickly grabbed the phone and call the ambulance.

Jin place a hand at Taehyung's shoulder to cease his shakingness, thought Taehyung had just realized he was shaking a second ago. With a pitiful reaction, Jimin mutters out, "Continue..."

Why did she almost get murdered? I know that she won't commit suicide. She's not even suicidal. And beside... I have the feels that the murderer is still in this house. And I won't let him slide.

I took my gun and checked if it was still loaded, then I roamed around this house cautiously, not wanting to get caught by the murderer despite the insane heavy sadness trying to weight down his guard.

He then stopped. A strange figure showed himself to me, as if proud to show his midnight black clothes were covered with blood. From the front and back.

My pupils were shaking at how happy his face looked. He hold the face that makes me have the urge to burn his body alive.

Pushing aside my rage, there's one thing that has caught my full attention for a minute. His beautiful crimson eyes. My eyes slowly widened.

The New York famous serial killer.

The mention of the famous killer bring goosebumps to one's spine.

With a voice that he probably fakes, a raspy laugh were heard by Taehyung, and this increase his rage. "You!" he shouted with couple of tears dropped down his cheeks, unable to contain it much further.

And the killer just chuckles. He hold this aura of mysteryness. Now, infront of Taehyung's eyes, he's now facing and experiencing the true terror of meeting the sly killer face to face.


1063 words, excluding this author note. A good way to start the fanfic that I'm truly serious in.

I want to say thank you for those readers that read this book. Thank youuuu! ~(^-^~)

And I expected this book to be more 'bigger' than any other books that I've created so far. It's fun to write a fanfic about BTS as an Army. Anyway, that's all. Bye! ^^

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