Chapter 11

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Jimin let out an unsatisfied hiss, eyes twitching up and down. Steve laughed heartwarmingly, "Okay boys, just think of where we should go. And of course, I will pay!" The goosebump went down disappointly after the room was erupted with their cheers.


After they celebrated their happiness and dragged their chief to come along, Jin happily played with the chopstick. "Ahh, steamboat!"

Jungkook smiled and took a seat after washing his head. The second after he took a seat, the whole table heard a silent crack. Every pair of eyes slowly danced to Jungkook's way.

Jungkook awkwardly stood up and look at where he had sat not longer than a minute. They immediately saw a pair of broken chopsticks and erupted in a laughter. The youngest of them just chuckled sheepishly.

After taking another new chopstick, he came back to the view of Namjoon twisting Jin's hand down with a glare. "JIN! Give me baaack.."

Jin huffed out a forced breath, "No! I.. want IT!" He broke himself free from his grip, celebrating victory and glared playfully at his leader before placing the Ryan plushie down beside the wall.


"Aww, man. Was I so full..." Jimin wiped the dark circles under his breath. Jin chuckled, holding an orange plushie by his side. "Yeah. I also feel tired by eating all of those food. Manager, thanks for the treat."

"It's my pleasure," replied Steve with a warming smile. "Say... I feel tired too." Mumbled Hoseok, following after a yawn. The chief chuckled, "Well, maybe that's why you should not force yourself to keep on eating when you're full."

"Geez, you scold like a dad." Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Well, here we are kids." Steve chimed while placing a fine gold key inside the keyhole. He pushed the door after they heard a small click. Steve searched for the light switch aimlessly and turn it on after he felt a square button under his touch.

The light went alive, showing off nothing after but silence. Taehyung placed his coat on the sofa and plopping himself comfortably on top of it. "Aah, home sweet home." Soon, they saw him drifting off to sleep.

"Well, we'll go now." The chief waved at the boys' way and walked off with the manager behind him. After the door close shut, Yoongi grumbled under his breath.

"What?" Yoongi spare a glance toward Namjoon's way. "This place is dirty. I'm going in Jin's office. He's clean." He could sense Jin's cocky aura from afar. "I'm going in too!"

Jimin sighed, "Well, I'm going in mine too." He turned his body and already facing the door of his office. He pushed down the handle and was immediately shocked by a sharped stone danger sticking out in the second he pushed the door.

Fortunately, he managed to dodge, but his arm got grazed by it. He hissed in pain, already taking the attention of others in the room.

Everyone stayed silent, eyes wide over what they had saw just now. Before they could think of anything, Jimin snapped his head. The warm atmosphere suddenly dropped after sensing his dark aura. "Care to explain?"

Everyone stayed mute. They have no explanation whatsoever for Jimin's attempt of murder just now. They gave a weary glance to each other, motioning the I'm-not expression.

"Anyone?" It's amazing how the air could get dropped even more colder than usual. The icy venom coming from the tip of his mouth startled them. Jimin sighed heavily and went to the kitchen to mend for his wound.

Everyone were still mute, knowing that no words they spout will come out as corehent. After Namjoon gulped, he replied hesistantly, "Who... is the betrayal?"

He sound so lost, but he's not the one. Hoseok hold onto the counter top to take his balance. He couldn't believe all of this is happening.

His gaze darkened, showing off his canine in a sneer. Then he voiced out his disappointment, "I've never expect this to happen anytime." Sneered Jimin with venom, everyone in the room watched the man in disblief. "I expect this killing attemption will not happen again in the future."

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