Chapter 4

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"Thank you." I nodded, proud with myself when Namjoon stood on his feet again. "Now, I command you, and I to get out of this filthy toilet room!" I let out an amused laugh, "Aye aye, captain."


Jimin stared at us in amusement, "Took both of you long enough. What did you do in there?"

Yoongi snorted, eyes trailing away. "We made the whole toilet, smarty." Namjoon gave him the are-you-serious face. Yoongi being Yoongi, he ignored the look.

Jimin smugly replied, "No wonder both of you look like sh-"

Jin smacked Jimin's head hard enough to lose track of his dirty profanity word, earning an unappreciative grumbling from him.


A piercing scream shocked Hoseok from the kitchen, who is halfway cooking a Chinese vegetables food for them all.

He put down the wooden spoon on the polished table and went to the living room, annoyed and hand on his hip. "What is this ruckus about?"

Taehyung head-butted Jungkook which earned a loud groan from him. However, Jin was dancing on the sofa like a five years old that won the Mario Kart game, despite being the oldest.

"He cheated!" Grumbled Taehyung and pointed a finger to the smug-looking sofa dancer. "I still won! ACCEPT YOUR DEFEAT!"

"You cheated!" Taehyung repeated and shot a betrayed look at a whiny Jungkook, "And you helped him! But, haha! You lose too, eventually!"

They actually sounds like kids; Jungkook look like he is ready to punch a boy. Jungkook grumbled angrily, "Why you-"

The three of them got a hard smack from the kitchen's wooden spoon as the 'gift'. They all groaned in pain. The wooden spoon felt like stone!

"Because it IS a stone." Hoseok said loudly, as if able to read their mind. They looked closer, and Hoseok throw the spoon to Jungkook's lap in a slow throw. Jungkook felt a quiet heavy weight, and it is, in fact, a chocolate painted stone spoon..

"...where did you bought this?" Jin sweatdropped. Hoseok followed the suit. "A birthday gift from Namjoon."


A sleeping Namjoon dream of something.

"Mommy, mommy, why do I feel sad?"

"Should I give her away or feel this bad?"

""No, no, no, don't you choke.""

"Daddy chimed in, "Go for the throat.""

His left eye twitched in annoyance, sarcastic smile plastered on his face. He shot open his eyes and circled his hands around Yoongi's throat without any force, "Go for your throat, indeed!"

Yoongi laughed under his hands, and soon he let go of the hold. Namjoon replied tiredly, "Got any business?"

Yoongi felt a twinge of guilt arose, "Ah, um. No..?" Namjoon said nothing, but laid back on the lime green bed. He didn't wrap himself with his soft indigo mattress, but then quietly muttered, "Troubles."

"What?" Yoongi asked with a wide eyes, having the feel that Namjoon is opening up to him. He surely have a soft spot for him. "So many troubles." Namjoon tiredly mutter out as he yawned in the process.

He nodded slowly, "Yeah.. what more?"

He heard Namjoon sigh, then he glanced onto the laid back man. He looked in distress, the slowly evidence bag under his eyes didn't help his look. But he was having a quite hard time figuring Namjoon out due to his straight poker face.

"I don't know." The mint haired man's eyes widened after hearing the cracks in his voice. He have heard it several times, but it never fail to soften his heart more. But he knew Namjoon doesn't like to be coaxed by anyone, as if would make him look weak and not even suitable to be a leader.

Yoongi place a hesistant hand on his slumped shoulder, "We have known each other for 13 years. Open up to me?" And thus, both began ranting and making each feel okay.


The seven of them sat in the living room, unusually quiet, not giving off the noise that happened in earlier ruckus.

The door to their office opened as the bell chimed, the chief's head poked in. "Oop, oop. Mission coming."

Their faces brightens up, and you could here Yoongi's silent "Good, I was bored already."'s.

The chief laughed and walk inside the room, "How excited. But, listen here! Think about the best person in the room who's suitable most to be the groom and bride."

Awkward atmosphere immediately attacked them, some shot a suitable-to-be-what? faces to him. "..why?" Namjoon asked slowly. The chief scratched his head lightly, "Ah.. Michigan happened."

He started to tell them that polices from Michigan called them to help catching some of the know-for-liking-romance-stuff criminals, including some mafia leaders. They've planned a wedding ambush and arrest them all after the 'bride' and 'groom' said their vows-

"Wait, wait." Yoongi stopped the chief. "Why us?"

The chief continued by telling them the Michigan Police Department chose them after hearing many stories of their succesful missions and didn't brag too much like some others, which made Jungkook over-flattered. Jimin hit his back and rolled his eyes, despite his inner bragging is trying to seeps through.

The story then ended. Jin gave the chief a wide grin, "How about you be the bride?"

The chief's flustered face made the others chuckled, "Nah, just joking."

Silence creeped in, sets of eyes slowly trailed to Namjoon's way. His goosebumps slowly rose up, startled by the sight. "Um.. what?"

"You. Groom." Jin said with a slowly widening grin. His eyes widened in fear, "Oh, no-" "Yes!" Shrieked Hoseok. He backed away from them who are nearing his figure, sensing the evil aura slowly emitting from every of them! "No, no.. no-! Ugh!"

Jin laughed in amusement, "Haha! He accept his defeat!" Taehyung grumbled in the background, "Unlike you." Jin rolled his eyes as a response.

"Fine." their leader pouted, earning a silent 'aww's from them.

"And," the chief trailed on, eyes planting on Yoongi. He noticed it, and gave a fake smile to his superior. "..what?"

He know the meaning behind that smile. Oh, God.

"No." Yoongi said out out hopelessly. The room erupted with annoying laughs, which is the approval for the main characters for the play in Michigan soon.

"When will we fly to Michigan?" Said Jungkook as he managed to tall through his wheezings. The chief smiled, "Two days after today."


"You know that we will have to act out the plan tomorrow right?" I gave out a seemingly sweet smile, but my whole squad knew it was fake. "Oh, quit the mental growling, Leader Kim." Jin joked. Hoseok continued with a smug grin, "What a seemingly nice wedding we'll attend to tomorrow! To Michigan we go!"

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