Chapter 9

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They are almost sure that each of them are loyal. None of them are the betrayal type. They know eachother enough... right?


Jungkook's pov

What do you call that feel?

After I stirred myself awake, the second I can open my eyes perfectly, I can already feel the tension in the air. I blinked twice and asked Jin quietly, six pairs of eyes staring at me. "What with the tension?"

Jin widened his eyes, probably didn't expect that's my first question after I woke up. Then he hesistantly replied, giving a nervous glance to the leader. "We think there is a betrayal between the five of us." Then his gaze turns sharp, voice showing off his confidence. "The five of us, excluding you and I."

He added again with a quiet voice, "I really hope not, though."

Jin mirrored my tone with honesty, "I don't want to lose any of us."


The sky bleached itself with haze of dark orange, pink, blue and slight black at the line of the horizon. The sun slowly sink under us, exchanging place with the moon as light colours were drained in each minute, black covered the sky whole with dots of light.

Hoseok leaned against the balcony, staring deep at the glorious sky above him, frown plastered on his face. Later on, Taehyung came with his night clothing. "Hoseok?"

No reply came from the said man. Taehyung took a step closer, even more concious of what Hoseok is doing instead of just staring blankly to the beauty of the world.

He went and leaned against the balcony next to him, putting a hand on his stiff shoulder. "Relax. Don't think too much."

Hoseok clicked on his tounge in annoyance, "What if we fail?"

Taehyung was startled by his sudden question, it's not like Hoseok to be deep all of sudden. "...I have the feeling that we will not fail."

"Do you even know what I'm talking about?" Taehyung's frown deepens, he indeed have no idea. "Knew it."

"I'm saying that," Hoseok continues on, "The operation of searching for your ex-wife's... killer have the chance of failing. We have little to no informations about him." Hoseok turned his body to face the man's way, worriness clear his eyes. "Where do we start?"

Taehyung's eyes softened, despite the urge to end this whole conversation is tugging in. "Just like I said, I have a feeling that we won't fail." His gaze drops down, wave of guilt attacked Hoseok. "Let's just believe in ourselves. And I have an idea of where to start tomorrow."

His face brightened for a second, "Wait, really? Will we really start tomorrow?"

The man gave him a warm smile, the usual comforting one where Hoseok knew his ex-wife never regret having him as her husband. "Yes. I have discussed about it with Namjoon earlier, and I hope our plan will be succesful."

And Jung Hoseok never fail to notice the brightness in his sad friend's smile. And he found himself smiling at his happiness.


The seven of them circled around themselves while sitting on a chair, but a quiet ring of a bell perked their ears up. A familiar buzz of voice made them smile. "It is Steve, your Aoki!"

Jungkook laughed and stood up from his place to open the door. He jokingly replied, "Welcome in, Steve Your Aoki."

Steve just smiled sheepishly at the young boy before taking a chair and joined the circle. He sat in between Jin and Jimin before asking out, "So, what is the plan?"

"I don't know," Hoseok add up with a single shrug, "Ask the leader."

Namjoon just chuckled at their cluelessness, "Well, well. We will start the operation of searching for Tae's wife killer," he mumbled up at the last word, though noticing that Tae didn't flinch, instead just sat up straight and listen to him closely.

Their leader continued throught the appreciative silence, "And we thought we could start by persuading the, you know, organization... for the informations about the killer."

Some mouths opens up to object the suggestions, "Yes, yes, you smart fellas. The killer hasn't ever been caught since he was famous in the world of New York." Then he faced Steve with pleasure, "I think you can help us with this new strategy of mine."

"Wait, help? Me?" Steve's eyebrow rose us, but curiousity keep on lingering inside him. "What is that, Namjoon? Care to elaborate?"

"Yes," smile of pleasure were start to shown, "I was thinking if you could call one of your mafia friend to help us with this operation."

Now both of his eyebrows rose up, never care to hide his startled look. "Wait, what does me calling a mafia member will help? Are you taking advantage of me, because I knew alot of higher ups people?" Steve's accusing look made Namjoon laughing nervously.

"Actually, I wouldn't really call this, 'taking advantage of'. Even thought you know many of those 'higher ups' snobs, most doesn't know you. No one know you're the manager of the famous New York City's FBI members. We are also unknown to public, but evil eyes may already knew about us, matey."

"Yeah, we don't know you too." Jin said in a joking tone. The leader stared at him in a warning way. Jin pouted and held up his hands in defense.

"What do you want me to say then?" Steve asked, still unsure of agreeing to take part of this operation. And it was Taehyung's time to chime in between of them, "We want you to ask them if they know the whereabouts of the New York's killer, they will know immediately who you're talking about. We have the mafia organization's phone number, so here it is."

He passed a piece of paper toward Steve's way as their manager took the paper into his hand warily. "The phone number. And we know you, you're the best in acting. We just want you to ask about his whereabouts in a friendly tone, and his full name, if we can."

Steve gulped, "You know that this will not be easy, right?" Jin closed his eyes, "Do you think we didn't think of the consequences here? If one of us speak to them, there are chances they will knew that we were the FBI, if they ever encounter on us. They won't know you."

Jungkook added up, "Of course they would suspect you, but you can tell them that you are also one of the secret organization that is hunting the killer down for killing one of your members. Or whatever reason it is. Please, do this for us."

Aoki just stay silent, eyes with hope were eyeing him with expectance, then he slowly sigh, "All right. I'll do this. But remember, don't expect any success." Their faces brightens, silently muttering out thankful words to their manager.

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