Chapter 6

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Namjoon just gave him a hollow chuckle before replying out weakly, "Nothing, Tae. All fine."


Jin's pov

After the wedding ambush incident, Namjoon seems different.

When we called out for him, he would not turn his head fully at us like he usually did. He would glance at us with his pupils hollowed like something is bothering him that bad.

And he can't do his leadership well nowadays, because I believe he's not in his usual mode. I tried to sort this all out, we all did, including Yoongi. But even the pale man let out a frustrated cry when the leader stared at the ginger table blankly. He banged his hands onto the same table, startling us all.

"Namjoon!" he took a handful grip of Namjoon's soft dark grey hair, shock written in our face. Yoongi pulled Leader's head closer to him, never batting an eyelash over his darkened eyes. "You good for nothing- better tell me what's bothering you lately."

Namjoon just let out a hollowed chuckle, "Oh, Yoongi. You never sort out your anger issue, right?" he winced in pain, but amusement still plastered on his face.

Yoongi hissed at him, "I don't give a single damn about it, the problem right now is YOU! Why wouldn't you tell any single of your problems to us? Don't you trust us?"

I snap my head to the youngsters line as their eyes widened, the question that keep lingering in their minds had been voiced out. That's what we all wanted to ask, especially the youngers than us. They do nothing wrong. Yoongi's dominating eyes stared deep into Namjoon's closed soul. And you can tell that it irrirates Yoongi further.

"Aagh!" he screams in anger and kicked the wardrobe down, utensils and recipe books had fallen down.

"Yoongi." I put my hand on his shaking shoulder, blank eyed Namjoon watching us closely. He then slowly hung his head down in shame, but a tear never fell down his eyelashes. We've never seen the leader cry before.

"Jin." his monotone voice caught me off guard. Despite that, I answered with slight confidence, "Yes?"

He still hung his head low, but his voice makes him sound like a robot. "Be their current leader for this moment. Of course, just as their temporary leader." his sharp voice made me gulp, and nodded my head in acknowledgement. He continued, "You have a mission that I received from the chief minutes ago." he threw his phone to me carelessly and to his luck, I succesfully take hold of his phone. Yes, my life is saved!

He looked away as we can see the dark shadow beamed onto his eyes, scaring us for a moment. "Check the chief's message. The information is in there. Go."

Jimin and Hoseok walks off, knowing better to not stay at this place any longer now. They probably can't handle the dark atmosphere. "I.. I'll be going." Tae and Jungkook excused themselves as they walks off, despite us already knowing that the four of them will eavesdrop us.

"Joon." Yoongi's voice melted, making Namjoon winced. "Go." he muttered out weakly. Yoongi's voice softened again, "Namjoo-"

"GO!" his loud voice almost gave me a heart attack, oh gosh. We then scram off the room, ignoring his darkened eyes watching our bodies darkly, like a hunter with its prey.

We burst open the door and found the four of them jumping away from us, Jimin had his hand onto his chest. "Oh God, you startled me!"

I stared back at the closed door behind me with disappointment, "Yeah. You startled me too."


Jimin's pov

"What the hell is actually bothering Namjoon oh my God, if I can I would invent a chip and place it inside his good for nothing brain!" Yoongi keep on rambling for the past five minutes after our mission went succesful. We left the ruined building, leaving the bodies of unconcious minor assassins littering inside it. It should do it, the police are coming very soon.

"Hmm.." I mumbled silently, not really paying attention to his rambling. I sort of focused to the tall building in front of us. I don't know, I have a bad feeling.

"You feel it too?" as expect from Yoongi. I nodded warily, not knowing the cause. We slowed our pace as everyone keep getting the red signal. "I don't know. Namjoon. Where is he?" Jin's frantic voice make us ran to our room but making us choosing over two choices- the elevator or the stairs.

"Aahhh, elevator sucks!" Hoseok grumbled in annoyance and ran towards the staircase instead. Other soon followed his lead, until they finally saw the number of their room in front of them. "Hah... hah.. here.. it is!" huffed Tae, relieved that we had arrived to our destination.

I took out the key from my pocket but get blocked by Yoongi as his ears perked up. Everyone maintain to be quiet.


Each eyes widened. An unknown voice was heard. And another loud feminime voice were heard, "This is not the place, OUT! GET OUT BEFORE I CALL THE COPS!"

Another strange voice, "Damn, this chickdude is crazy!" The door opened in surprise, banging onto Tae's side head. Everyone backed away after sensing his dark aura.

"Die." both of the unknown's faces paled, almost screamed like a girl when Taehyung raised his hand.

They immediately scram off as the once darkened man became normal again. They all laughed, "Tae, you're so bipolar!" which earned a smile from the.. bipolar man. But the moment stopped in halt when they saw their leader standing, staring straight into them.

"L-Leader!" Jungkook shouted in surprise, then soon asked, "You okay? And was the feminime voice..."

They started looking everywhere but their leader's quite embarrassed voice stopped them. "Well.. I didn't manage to make it sound too girly. And they thought that I was a tomboy." and thus, everyone laughed at his statement.

The situation died down when everyone recognize Jin's serious voice came alive, "Leader. Abou-"

His sweet smile cut his words off. "How was the mission? Was it a success?" Everyone stared at eachother, irriration attacked them. But they let it all down and decided to ask him again one day. That's just how you handle with a thick headed person. "Yeah, it was okay." I started to ramble about the mission, and soon after, we found ourselves laughing like nothing will bother us at the moment.

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