Chapter 7

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His sweet smile cut his words off. "How was the mission? Was it a success?" Everyone stared at eachother, irriration attacked them. But they let it all down and decided to ask him again one day. That's just how you handle with a thick headed person. "Yeah, it was okay." I started to ramble about the mission, and soon after, we found ourselves laughing like nothing will bother us at the moment.


You pulled me by my hair,
So I don't go nowhere.

Tell me you love me but you treat me like I'm never there.

You said the cruelest words, and yes, it breaks my heart.

'Cause I'm over here working my ass off.

"Hey," Namjoon coughed, getting everyone's attention. "We don't have a mission toda-" loud cheers filled the room which irrirates the leader. "Hey!" The happy atmosphere died down.

"Good. But I'm going to show you a revision of my past, or maybe my present life. And... I'm going to sing too." The cheers came back to life again as embarrassed Namjoon looked away. They all fell in love with Namjoon's voice, whether he was using a different accent, language, singing or even sometimes straight off talking formally. It was like he is the prince oh-so charming from the other realm.

He pulled out a small gadget out of his pocket and switch it to life, single ray of a projector beamed into the ceiling. "Ooh, a projector!" Muttered Hoseok giddily.

Namjoon coughed as the projector keep showing off a life of a small boy in a messed up society. He held out a paper, "And this could also explain your own childhood," the leader muttered up, sadness evident in his voice.

And they have reached the part where the boy, or little Namjoon became a puppet that keep showing off his toothy grin, everyone laughing and clapping with amusement even when the tears striked down without they all care.

"Show, and, tell..
I'm on display for all you people to see."

It's clear that he spits venom while he sang the first part. The little Namjoon in the projector keep dancing, entertaining the audience, strings keep controlling him to do things that he didn't want to do. People start to fight with eachother, angrily spouting out who will take a picture with him first. "ME!"

"No, me!!"

"For the sake of your safety, better let ME go first."

"Oh my God."

"Show, and, tell..
Harsh words if you don't get a pic with me."

The beat dropped, as the little ragdoll Namjoon dropped down on the stage, thus stopping the fight. Everyone was confused, what happened? A soft whisper were heard in the background, "I never sign up for your drama club."

The other members that are watching the projector with a serious expression were startled when the ragdoll Namjoon immediately stood up without any sign to be up, also startling the audience inside the ray.

The projector stopped, leaving the room dark again. Frantic Taehyung asked his leader, "W-wait, what happened? Joon?"

Namjoon never face him, but the projector soon went to life again- but little Namjoon was in a different situation, where he and his classmates seem to sit still in a pastel pink bus, but soon his class became a ruckuss. Only little Namjoon sit still, just watching the window as the scenery pass by.

Of course, new song pass by too.

"I'm looking out the window and it's cold outside.
The are two boys yelling behind me and I'm terrified.
Counting trees as they pass me by."

Little Namjoon rocked himself gently in his soft red seat, blocking out the disturbing situation and noise.

"I know the driver sees it."

Little Namjoon look forward, seeing the gruff driver at the very front sending cold stare at us through the rearview mirror.

"I know he's peeking in the rearview mirror.
He says nothing.
Trying to ignore it,
It's really boring.
I'm quietly observing- I'm saying nothing."

Little Namjoon closed his eyes softly.

"No, one's watching us.
Don't give a damn.
Wheels on the bus.

I'm holding it down.
Up in the front.
Wheels on the bus."

He silently hummed an unknown song to pass the time. Beat of the famous children song, Wheels on the Bus were down. The driver keep driving, constantly giving us some dirty stares. One yelled out that the drive cannot talk inside the ruckuss. They are like mental patients that went psychotic, thought little Namjoon.

The projector went blank, but soon a ray of black beamed. "It's okay to be fake right?"

"I don't want no lunchbox friends."

"We can be friends until the clock struck at three."

Someone suddenly screamed in the projector which startled them all, including Namjoon. The light immediately pop on, brightening the room. "What was the motive of that... projector, Joon?" Namjoon keep silent of Jungkook's question.

"...No idea. I get that projector from someone unknown this morning, with a letter, "Your past/present story. I know you know these snippets, sing them out." That's all." Namjoon keep being anxious. He stand up and shot them a worried look.

"Everyone is sitting, there is no way any of us could turn on-" the room immediately went dark again.

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