Chapter 8

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"Everyone is sitting, there is no way any of us could turn on-" the room immediately went dark again.


"Who is that?!" Barked Jungkook, veins popping out in annoyance. The window panes had been burst down- with a big, clean round circle hole- from the fourth floor.

Yoongi clicked his tounge, balling up his hands tighter. Nice, an invited intruder is here, thought Yoongi with sarcasm.

The way Yoongi's eyes squinted up and his nose scrunched made the others can tell what Yoongi think of were probably coated with his pure sarcasm. "Oh God." Taehyung commented with a joking manner, which earned a deeper scowl from the pale man.

The seven men were attacked by the ominious atmosphere. They can feel it. The heart thumping, quickened, deeper breath, but they braced themselves for it.

Something all sudden clicked them, then Yoongi smiled sarcastically, "Any of you hold a weapon?"

They immediately scrambled not too far to get each a weapon. Tae is holding a table lamp, Yoongi is scowling over the black artline pen, Jimin sweatdropped when he's holding their four inches album book, Namjoon smiled triumphly when he hold a hammer in his hand. Meanwhile Jin made a confused face when he saw his leader's weapon. "When did we own a hammer?"

Jungkook, however, was still searching for a blunt weapon. He throw away the papers, pens, bags, anything light that he get hold of. He was searching for the perfect one frantically, as having a slight fear of the dark wouldn't help. The others tried to switch on the light, but it wouldn't start.

Jungkook muttered a profanity under his tounge. When he felt something warm under his touch, he immediately brighten up. He bring it near his presence but were startled with the confusing weight it hold. His breath quickened with fear when the 'ball' shattered itself into fingers and palm under his sweaty hands. It cupped Jungkook's cheek and chin lightly with the warmth it bring.


His breath was stuck in his throat, his saliva couldn't go down his esophagus. He let out a terrified shriek and throw the hand away from him. He took a run in the process, bumping against the tables and chairs.

"Jungkook?" Startled Jin as he let out a motherly relieved breath under his nose when it was the youngest one that was bumping onto and hugging him.

"Oh, Jin. You-You wouldn't believe wha.." his words lingered on longer, feeling clammy touch of fingers slowly snaked onto the skin of his legs. "Jungkook?" Jin was far than confused, what was that? "What was you're saying again?"

The younger went jelly under his touch, mouth moving up and down, unable to speak coherently. His chin faced the ceiling, mouth gaped a little. His eyes faced forward, down to the floor. Jin went frantic as Jungkook went unconcious in his arms. "Kook!"

"There!" Yelped Namjoon in happiness in second the light went alive again. Everyone immediately gaped when they saw Jungkook's condition.

Jin laid down Jungkook in a bed inside the office, taking off the vitcmin's watch and put it gently on the table. Hoseok huffed gently, "I didn't manage to catch any intruder." His voice strained, confusion writted down onto his face. "It was clear there was a break-in. But it seems like the intruder wants us to know about his presence."

Yoongi silently muttered, "But that could be a cover-up for the intruder."

Silence engulfed into the room, and Namjoon closed his eyes, breaking the silence with a sharp tone, "I expect no betrayal between the seven, or six of us."

Silence attacked again, leaving everyone confused. What was the intruder's motive of this break-in? If it wasn't from one of us, does it want the darkest, deepest secrets that the FBI agents hold? But instead, they should break-in into the chief's office- that's where all the informations are stored.

Namjoon open his eyes, almond gold eyes fixated toward each of their orbs of eyes. "I don't want to accuse any of us to be related on the bad side," he said with such formality, that's his speciality. He can make people be caught off guard when he spoke. "But the punishment has to be done after we knew if the person is on our side or not, whoever the person is."

And they sort of think of Namjoon as their president. (Jimin startled, looking straight into your eyes. "Our president.")

The air had thickened with uncomfort and nausea. There should be no betrayal in this group, after all. Jimin batted his eyelashes on each one of them, feeling worried. Jungkook still haven't woke up yet. Jin bit on his nails while eyes travelling distantly as a way to cope with the situation.

They are almost sure that each of them are loyal. None of them are the betrayal type. They have known eachother enough... right?

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