Chapter 2

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And the killer just chuckles. He hold this aura of mysteryness. Now, infront of Taehyung's eyes, he's now facing and experiencing the true terror of meeting the sly killer face to face.


Taehyung sniffles, and everyone is waiting patiently to hear his own saddest life story just so their group can find some hints about this cruel killer.

"A-ah, sorry to keep you waiting," he silently apologize, then Hoseok quickly interrupts, "Ah, no, it's okay! We understand that you're still in despair about that night..." others agreed with Hoseok's statement.

Taehyung just gave a small smile as a response, or could you call that a real smile. He coughed, then continued,

The killer took a step towards Taehyung, putting him off the grip. "What do you want with my wife?! Why would you be so cruel?!" he screamed as loud as he can while gripping his hands into fists until it turns white, despite having the least energy to do the loudest. That earns a single chuckle from the masked killer. One could be hypnotized right into his eyes, that one could not tell if he's wearing a contact lense or it's his pure eyes colour. Probably the latter.

"I mean, I can't really explain it very well. His eyes is so beautiful to see as a person," he compliments, despite the next sentences made his mouth drips with venom. "But it's cruel."

Everyone, including Yoongi gulps. Taehyung had never been this dark before.

I then let the tears flowed down for all I care. The ambulance isn't here yet, and I'm left with a psychotic killer that has a potential to kill me next.

He recognized that terror in my eyes and calmly said, "You're not going to die. Your wife just knew something that she shouldn't, and I can't risk the fact that she's all alive, carrying that secret on her sleeves."

Taehyung popped out his eyes and looked at that one certain man in this room, a sweat dripping off his forehead. It hits him. His previous words are exactly like the killer's. He then shook his head. The thought immediately left his mind as he continued with his story.

He couldn't throw away his anxienty. He couldn't comprehend anything correctly. His wife were attempted to get killed. He's facing a life-death situation all alone.  Just what exactly is happening?

"Tch," muttered out the killer. Another bead of sweat rolled down Taehyung's forehead as he keep gripping onto the gun, its barrel pointed towards the unfazed killer.

"My job here is done. Consider yourself lucky for not being able to see my face, or you will suffer the same fate just like your wife's." his maniac grin doesn't make Taehyung anymore scared, but it makes him feel even more livid.

Somehow, the night is deathly calm. Like there is no single soul in this whole building. "YOU BASTARD!"

He felt the soreness of his throat attacked him at the moment as the killer waved his hand in a mocking way before jumping off from the tallest room's window of a 40-storey condominium. "Wait, come back!" his voice shows off a slight scratch, despite the tears blocking his sane thoughts. The faint sound of the police and ambulance sirens from the ground floor immediately bounced in his eardrums.

He looked over the window, rays of moonlight that were reflected by the hiding sun slowly casting on the poor man's way, and no trace or sight of footprints or a crushed black covered man were shown down there. He clutched onto the rail of the window, feeling utter desperate. Helplessly desperate. He let out a shout that immediately went into a useless whimper.

He had failed as a husband, and an FBI agent.

The flashback ended when Taehyung felt a soft gentle grip on his shoulder to calm him down. He face up just to see their-real-second-in-command, or manager, Steve Aoki.

"I've come here to voice out my sympathy toward your recent loss of loved one," His eyes melt into more blue-feelings, "And I hope with our support here, you'll get through all of this mess. We can do this, believe me."

They all nodded, knowing how much Taehyung loved his wife. More than the number of stars living in space, more than the numbers of those known and unknown milky waves, and the reason why Taehyung uses the outer space as an example is because he once loves the space more than anything.

It was like his wife was that huge star, one star in the silent sky that glinted meaningfully at his way, and he desired more than wanting to catch the ball of gases with his bare hands.

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