6th Sword | Fealty for Tyranny

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"Hahaha, just as Yahaba said, a structure did appear there." A sadistic voice giggled from outside, the ringing sound of the temari fading as (Y/N) looked outside, seeing two demons.

"They must have demon capable of hiding things with them. They also have two Demon Hunters and a demon? What is going on in there...? No matter, Susamaru, you handled that quite poorly. My clothes now have dust thanks to you." The second demon scowled, wiping imaginary dust off of his clothes. Turning to his female companion beside him, he huffed as she rolled her eyes.

"You're so annoying. It thanks to my temari that we were able to find them. I just want to play with them a bit longer. Your clothes are also completely clean, genius." The demon, Sasamaru, smiled with mirth, her eyes locked to the house before her.

"So that's what it was..." (Y/N) narrowed his eyes, seeing Sasamaru playfully throwing a temari up and down in her hand.

Looking at the broken down state of the house, (Y/N) grimaced slightly as he realized it certainly had more power than an ordinary temari.

"Ooh! There they are! Found you, found you!" Sasamaru playfully laughed as she pitched her arm back.

"This woman...one of Kibutsuji's underlings?!" Yushiro thought in shock as he looked the assailant demon.

Suddenly, Sasamaru shot her arm forward, releasing the temari as it bounced all over the place, further destroying the house all over.

(Y/N) narrowed his eyes as he saw the temari even shift directions in midair, meaning they were being controlled...

The temari had even managed to blast directly through Yushiro's head, but (Y/N) wasn't too worried since he was a demon and he'd be capable of regenerating that.

"Nezuko! Carry the unconscious woman to a safe place! (Y/N), let's go on the offensive!" Tanjiro rushed at the incoming temari, slashing it in half. However- the two halves then shot at him.

"That won't work! Tanjiro, there's someone else at work here! Go find the second demon, I'll handle this one!" (Y/N) ordered, only to hear Yushiro's voice.

"Tamayo-sama! I...said this before, didn't I? We shouldn't have any relations with Demon Hunters! My Hidden Technique is still flawed, you know this! Even if I can make the being mostly untraceable- it doesn't erase their entire existence! The more people we have the higher the chance Kibutsuji will catch on!" Yushiro ranted, causing (Y/N) and Tanjiro's eyes to widen.

So that's the reason why they'd only been able to sense the attack once it'd gotten close enough.

"Ahaha! What are you guys talking about? This is so much fun! It's so interesting! Today you shall die to one of the glorious Twelve Kizuki!" Sasamaru laughed as she took off her kimono, suddenly growing four extra arms. Essentially- she now had six arms.

"Twelve Kizuki...? She's not strong enough to be a Demon Moon on her own...deception, perhaps? Would that bastard really deceive his own followers?!" (Y/N)'s eyes narrowed angrily, his wrath for Kibutsuji Muzan only amplifying.

"Let's play! Tonight, your life ends!" Sasamaru laughed, violently throwing all six temari in her hands towards the house.

(Y/N) the grasped his katana in a reverse grip before similarly unsheathing his second katana and placing it in a reverse grip.

Seeing Tanjiro run outside the house after Yushiro had given him his eyesight, allowing him to see the lines that carried the temari, (Y/N) rushed at Sasamaru, cutting down one temari before he jumped up and landed on another. Offput slightly due to its spin, (Y/N) quickly leaped off the temari and landed on the floor again.

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