Chapter 2: Grannies

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What's worse than waking up to find out you're having a heart attack? Waking up to your dad having one.

I run into the kitchen to get the landline and I quickly dial 911 as I race back to my dad's room "Just try to breathe dad just try to breathe," beep. "911 what is your emergency?"

"yes hello? I think my dad is having a heart attack!," " Okay mam I've got your location and I'm dispatching the ambulance right now okay?," "yes okay, just breathe dad," "Okay talk to me miss what makes you think your dad is having a heart attack? " " um he's laying in bed holding his chest and looking like he can't breathe," "Okay mam the ambulance is on its way,"

I'm sitting in the hospital room holding my dad's hand with grandma, josh and aunt carol in the room. The doctor came in and said that my dad would have to stay in the hospital for a month or two, he was in pretty good health considering he just had a heart attack earlier that morning. I held my dad's hand as he smiled at me.

We sat in the hospital room for a while trying to figure out who I was going to stay with, we eventually settled it...I would stay with granny.

I watched out the window as the trees flew by the van as we drove on the raggedy dirt road.

Granny lives in a town just out of Dayton so it was only a forty-minute drive.

Grann pulled up. "Okay pumpkin," that's her nickname for me " We're here." I got out of the car and got my bags, I headed to the screen door and as I opened it grannies dog " Sal," ran outside barking.

I walked inside and went upstairs there are two rooms that I've never been in before and I didn't know which one to go to, then all the sudden gran came up the stairs and said the left one as if she knew what I was thinking.

I opened the door of the room and my eyes were immediately pulled to the walls which are covered in soccer balls and baseball bats, with a navy blue background.

A dark brown floor which made the room seem dark and there was only one window which didn't help with the broken bulb hanging above the small twin bed.

The room was tiny and was my dad's old room but it's okay.

I threw my bags on the bed and sat down I pulled my phone out to check my texts granny doesn't have internet but there's cell service.

Just then Sal ran into the room and he tried to jump into my lap but the poor dog is so old he couldn't jump that high.

I bent down and picked him up and sat him on my lap and I texted josh back and forth

You ( Hey josh u up to chatting?)

Josh ( sure what's up?)

You ( nothing I'm just bored so..)

Josh ( oh I get-cha, so how's gran's place going?)

You ( it's pretty good considering there's no internet,)

Josh (ouch no internet? That sucks)

You ( ya it does )

" Pumpkin!, dinner! "

You (oh! Gotta go bye!)

Josh ( bye )

" Coming granny!," I walked downstairs to the kitchen with sal by my side, he hasn't seen me in years so it makes sense that he's following me.

I sit down and wait for gran to serve breakfast. " Here ya go darling, some of granny's good ol' scrambled eggs and bacon," "yum yum, thanks granny," " your welcome sweetie,".

I eat my breakfast and (-BRING-BRING-) granny walks over to the phone and answers it, "hello, oh, yes okay thank you." "Who was it, granny? " I ask " that was the hospital your dad isn't getting any better any time soon." I sighed Looks like I'm stuck here for a bit longer than planned.

I ate my breakfast and talked to granny about dad after I finished I went to explore the neighborhood.

I walk down the block on the sidewalk with sal on his leash beside me.

I walk by a few houses, one of them of pink with blue accents it looked like a two-story and a screen door sat on the porch by the front door.

I walked around the block and there's just a bunch of old pink, blue, green and white houses but when I was walking back to grans I saw a girl sitting on the front porch of the old pink and blue house.

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