Chapter 5: Date & Movie Disaster

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After the latest break-in, the police noticed a pattern. So the station had squad cars on the street 24/7.

I was sitting there watching something not near as good as Benji when someone knocked. I knew it was Noel because she said she was coming over.

I stopped the horrible movie I was watching and went to answer the door. "Hey, come on in," I answered the door tiredly.

"What's got you falling on your face today?" Noel asked.

"It's been a long week," I sighed.

"Are squad cars still out there?"

"Yeah, 24/7" I replied.

"Well, it's a good thing. What if this freak tries to kidnap you or something worse?"

"Yeah, it's probably for the best." I sighed again.

"What are you watching?"

"Oh, some poorly put together cartoon." Noel nodded and moved on.

"Where's Penny?" She asked.

"She's hanging out with a friend," I replied.

"Josh?" "At work." Sighing we both lost the conversation.

"Any news?" I asked.

"Nope, Yulu is nowhere to be found. You?"

She replied while asking another question.

"The picture Penny took isn't doing much. The guy had a mask on and all you could see was his back." I groaned.

"So any suspects?"

"What? No," I replied.

"Come on there's got to be someone!"

"No! There's no one!"

(BUZZ) "It's Mark,"

Mark: still up 4 2-day?
You: Yeah, 2?
Mark: sounds good.
You: bye.
Mark: bye.

"What did he say?" Noel asked.

"He was just making sure I was still up for our date this afternoon," I replied coolly.

"What do you mean "this afternoon"?

"What time is it?!" I asked panicked.

"1:30" She replied.

"Crap! I have to go!"

"Uh, ok..." she said disappointed.

I grabbed my purse and keys. "Remember to lock up!" I yelled to her before shutting the door.


I drove so fast I actually ended up getting there early. He sent me directions so I knew where to go. I walked in and it's this adorable little café.

I sat down at a table and waited.

Mark: On my way.

You: Ok, I'm waiting.

"What would you like?" The waitress asked.

"Oh just coffee, Black." She walked away after jotting down my order and Mark walked in.

I stood up and hugged him, "What are you doing here already? I thought we were meeting at two,"

"Well I thought I was going to be late so I rushed over here and ended up being early. What's your excuse?"

"I was so excited, and I didn't want to make you wait." He replied smiling cutely.

"Ah, so sweet. "I said while slightly blushing.

"Here's your black," the waitress said walking over.

"Oh, thank you," I said sitting down with Mark.

"And you sir?"

"Just water," Mark replied to the waitress.

"So how is it going with the new team?"

"Good," He replied, "They're all really nice."

"Good," I smiled.

"Here's your water," She said putting it down. "Do you want anything else?"

"Two bagels, please...

"For me too," I interrupted.


The date went well, and I was heading home. "I'm home!" I yelled walking in the door setting my keys down on the table.

"Penny?!" I yelled worried. My heart practically begging to come out of my chest. "You home?!" I set down my purse and walked slowly down the hallway.

"Penny?!" I walked to her room and put my hand on her door.

The door slammed open suddenly, "Ahhhhhhhh!!" I screamed.

"Oh my gosh, what is up with you?!" Penny yelled walking out of her room with blankets.

"Why didn't you answer me?!" I screamed.

"I didn't hear you," She sighed.

"What's with the blanket's?" I asked while taking a deep breath.

"Oh It's a movie night in the town square, and we're going!"

"Fine, what movie?"


"Seriously?!" I groaned.


"You know I HATE horror movies," I sighed.

"Too bad," She exclaimed.

"Where's Josh?"

"He's on his way home,"

"Okay, I'm going to go get a blanket,"

"Okay," She replied walking into the living room.

I went to my room and grabbed a blanket, "Okay got it," I sighed walking into the living room.

"Okay let's go,"

"What about Josh?"

"Josh said he'd meet us there, come on."


We drove up to town square and found a spot in the grass.

"I'm here!" Josh yelled walking up. He sat down and the movie started, Then they started cuddling and acting all lovey-dovey. Talk about awkward.

I would have called Mark but
we already had a date today and I didn't want to seem clingy.

We had just reached the middle of the movie when we heard a gunfire.


Everyone started screaming and panicking, as the second one went off.

We stood up hurriedly and tried our best to make out of the scene alive. Then the third shot sounded


Everything froze as this shot did not go without claiming a victim. It had hit Penny.

Letting out a big scream, she dropped to the ground. The shots stopped, and so did time. I looked at her in shock and my eyes started swelling with tears at the sight of my friend on the ground.

To Be Continued.....

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