Chapter 5: The Dance

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The hospital sent a list of medications, care requirements, and some other stuff but I didn't think that it would be this hard taking care of dad which is why I agreed to go to the dance.

Midnight three am and six-thirty in the morning I have to wake up to give my dad medication, he might as well be still in the hospital not that I want him to be.

I woke up to the six-thirty alarm ringing "Good morning" I say to my self, I get up and walk into my dad's room and get the medicine out of his bag "Katie?" He mumbles in bed " it's me dad, sit up." He sits up and I give him his medicine "Okay daddy," he lays back down and I go into the kitchen to fix breakfast.

I stick the bread in the toaster and sit on the couch watching TV waiting for my toast.

Fifteen after I finish my toast and check on my dad, He's still sleeping so I get dressed and sit on the couch watching TV until josh walks in the door. He walked in with a tux on and he looks me up and down with a questioning face.

"What time does it start?" I ask him "noon" I look at the and 10:36 am "Crap!" I yell as I run into my room and shut the door I quickly slip my dress on and creek my door open, just in case josh wants to come in as I sit down.

I start applying my makeup as josh walks in, he starts making my bed and picking up my dirty laundry off the floor and into the hamper "What's with you?" I ask as I line my lips.

"Oh just, tidying up I mean I know it's been hard for you with your da-" "josh. Stop. You don't have to do this and you're not going to." I stand up and sit him down on the bed and I sit back down continuing my makeup.

He pulls out his phone and starts doing something on it. I turn around "all done!" I say framing my face with my hands "what do you think?" He looks at me with sarcastic eyes and says "What do you think?...." I laugh.

"So are we going or what?" He asks me "sure, just let me text aunt carol in case dad needs her."

We walk into the abandoned school and head for the flashing gym doors. "So this is a summer dance?" I ask him as we walk in "yeah it's kinda weird but it's something to do." He spots the fresh-baked plate of chocolate chip cookies and heads straight for them and of course, I follow, and as we're stuffing cookies in our faces I hear a very familiar song.

I look up and I see Mr Zac on stage standing by the DJ, feeling creeped out I start dancing and singing along to the song P.S. don't sing with cookies in your mouth because it often sounds like "🎵and their becoming me-nhbmnbn-🎵".

Halfway through the song josh yells at me to "Shut Up!" I laugh and teasingly sing along to the song stuffing cookies in my face causing crumbs to fall on the floor.

The song ends and I and josh start dancing to a more upbeat song. As I'm throwing my hands up in the air josh looks behind me. I put my hands down and turn around to see Mr.Zac laughing his head off.

"Hi, Katie looks like your having fun" I quickly finish chewing on my cookies and swallowed "ya that was my favorite song." "Oh cool, hey Katie I heard about your dad is he okay?"

"Yeah but he has to take a lot of meds" I replied
"I can only imagine,"

A new song came on and I thought this would be a good chance to getaway.

"Come on josh I love this song," "but the food!" He mumbled with his mouth full of cookies as I pulled him away.

I pull him on the dance floor and start dancing, glad we got out of that one.

After a couple of hours, Mr.Zac was still on the stage by the DJ, and we were back at the punch bowl.

"Hey Josh, Can we go? Mr.Zac is really freaking me out," I asked

"Yeah, sure." He said sadly.

He took my hand and we walked to the car, little did I know...this would be a long night.

Mr Zac | The Series Collection | Completed ✔️ | Piper KingUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum