Chapter 6: The Crash

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Josh was driving me home When it happened.

There was a dead deer in then, Crash.

I coulda swore I saw Mr.Zac in the rearview mirror.

It was pretty bad, the crash. Josh busted his head open on the steering wheel he also broke his hand when it enwrapped itself in the steering wheel.

His leg also broke on the brake.

And me? I hit my head with the airbag and broke my wrist.

I don't know who called 911 but whoever did, saved our lives.

               *** 2 weeks later***

The hospital said that my head just had a bruise, so except for my broken wrist I'm fine. But josh got bed rest.

"Dad?! Where's the aspirin?" Dad started to be able to take his own meds,
"It's on the top shelf of the mirror cabinet!"

"Thanks, Dad!" And now, I'm the one needing help.

I know it's not as bad as joshes injuries but it's still hard.

I grabbed the aspirin and got dressed. My ride will be here soon. Since I can't drive...well you get the idea, (KNOCK KNOCK) I open the door and...

"Mr.Zac?"There's Mr.Zac on my porch.

"Mr.Zac? What are you doing here?" I ask as I shut the door and walk onto the porch.

"Hi Katie, I heard about the accident and I just wanted to see if you are doing okay?"

"I'm fine. But josh isn't," "Yeah I know, he's stuck in that bed all day? I mean with all those casts,"

"Well, my rides here so?"

"Of course," he stepped aside and let me by.

"Goodbye Katie," He said

"Bye Mr.Zac," I said as I got into the car.

"Who's that?" Asked my ride Nova

"No one, just drive." "I have somewhere important to go, and she doesn't know I'm coming."


It was a long drive. Trees just racing by, but then we finally got to the raggedy old road of grannies.

Not here to see her, but here to see Penelope.

We pulled up in grannies driveway and Nova The person who drove me here, waited in the car.

I walked down the block to Penny's house and, there she was sitting on that porch. She heard me stepping on leaves so she looked up.

She smiled I smiled, we both smiled. She stood up and immediately started running to me, We wrapped each other in a hug.

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe you're here," Penny replied to the hug.

"It's only a forty-minute drive, it wasn't that bad," She looked down at my hand.

"What happened?"She asked.

"I got into a crash I'll tell you all about it later,"

"Are you allowed to drive?"

"No" "And so you drove here?" "Actually, No I didn't someone else drove me,"

"What?!" "Don't worry, She doesn't know about you."

"Katie, I've been seeing a man watching me," "Who?" "He has light brown hair kinda scruffy-"

"Wait!" I pulled out my phone and showed her a picture " Is this him?" I asked.

"Ya, that's him who is that?" My face dropped, that was someone I knew.

"Listen to me Penny, we're going to get you into grannies house and your gonna stay with her okay?"

"Okay,but what's going on?" Penny asked.

"This person is very dangerous so we have to protect you okay?"

"Okay," She replied

We ran to the car and got Nova, then we went inside.

"Katie?" "Hey granny," "is this?-" "Granny, I need you to protect her, please? Someone's trying to hurt her,"

"What's happening?," "Thank you, Granny, I'll be back soon,"

I grabbed Haley's hand and went to the car. We had to get home, and we had to get home quick.

Mr Zac | The Series Collection | Completed ✔️ | Piper KingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang