Chapter 9: The Other Side & A Goodbye

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Warning: Slight graphic content

Letting go of the paddle I swam to shore. Coughing and gasping for air, I looked up, only to see Mark. As he says,

"Hello, Lover,"

Standing up ready to run, I see the gun in his hand as he smiles a psychotically at me.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because, your dad-" he said before being cut off by Penny reaching shore.

"Penny run!" I yelled desperately as she climbed out of the water.

I watched as she struggled to stand up in the wet sand. But before she could go anywhere, Mark reaches her.

Giving me no time to escape he comes right back. With Penny.

"Come on!" He yells to us holding the gun. With no choice, we obeyed. Leading us back into the woods, he knew where he had to take us.

We eventually reached a meadow with a rugged standing shack right in the middle. He pushed us right into the door. And I burst into tears at the sight of a frail girl tied up in the corner.

"Noel," I cried.

"Sit down!" Mark shouted angrily.

As we sat down on the ground in silence, he dialed Josh. Or tried to. And after a few rings, he gave up. I looked over to the corner and looked at Noel.

Following my eyes, Mark looked over too. And then turned his gaze towards me. With the evilest grin, he laughed. " You know what, just for the fun of it." He said as he dragged Noel around by her arm.

He pulled out his gun and put it to her head. As I realized what was about to happen, I cried for mercy, "Mark, no, please please, don't do this!"

As he looked back at me with his devilish eyes, he put on the most ghastly grin. And pulled the trigger.

It felt like my heart froze, and the world around me was in slow motion. I couldn't even keep my eyes open. And I just thought, this is the end of it, it has to be. But it wasn't.

I couldn't hold back my tears. As her body dropped, I heard Penny scream. Noel landed on her.

She pushed her off and stood up quickly, covered in Noel's blood. Even though she was scared, Noel's death gave her the strength to fight.

It all happened so quickly. One minute Noel's limp body falls on Penny. The next thing I know I'm sitting on the floor of the shack watching Penny and Mark fight over the gun. So I snapped myself out of my daze and helped Penny by attacking Mark.

Launching myself onto his back I went in for the eyes. Putting all of my force, I pressed hard on the sockets of his eyes. Groaning in pain and with his hands over his eyes, he backed up and let his back hit the wall.

I felt a twinging pain in my stomach and looked down to see a long shard of wood piercing through my body. A thin layer of blood surrounding the wound.

But I wasn't the only one bleeding. Mark lay on the ground, barely alive and hyperventilating.

Penny grabbed the gun from the ground, unloaded it, and ran to me.

She came to me and began to pull the shard out. "No," I said weakly.

"It'll make it worse."

"What are we going to do!?" She cried helplessly.

"Go. Get. Help." I said breathlessly. Crying she nodded her head and ran out the door.

Mark's only regret, was that he couldn't watch me die. He could just hear me whimpering.

Then, came the end.


Mark survived. Penny made it out, and Noel and I are at peace.

A few weeks after Marks arrest they had a double funeral. Is that even a thing? Anyway. Penny moved back to college. She got a degree in medicine. I couldn't be more proud.

Everything was turning out great.

• Authors Note •
Hello! I'm Piper King. If you like this book then go ahead and check out my other ones below! Goodbye!


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Abandoned -

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