Chapter 7: Stalker

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The car ride back was short and filled with lots of questions.

"Okay, let me get this right. Josh is your BFF penny your other BFF and Mr.Zac is the stalker?"

"Yep, now that we've got your story straight let's get back to current events-

"Wait! Why haven't you and josh turned this guy in?" "Because I don't have any proof and josh doesn't believe me.

"Fine, Go on" "Okay so my theory is that Mr.Zac planted the deer that was in the road and caused the accident,"

"Wait! Why would he do that?!" "I don't know because he's a stalker?"

"How do you even know if he was there?" "Because I saw him in the rearview mirror,"

"Are you sure it was him?" "I don't know it all happened pretty fast"

"Oh boy," "What's wrong now?" "All this talk is stressing me out and you know what happens when I'm stressed"

"You get hungry, Okay there's a McDonald's a few miles up the road we can go there."


We walked into McDonald's and I waited as Nova ordered a Big Mac.

Back in the car things got silent. Very silent.

I couldn't stand it as the only thing I could hear was Nova eating her Big Mac.

"Can you just stop!" I accidentally screamed. "Jeez, sorry." "I'm sorry to It's just the only thing I can hear is you smacking."

Hmm, maybe I can help with that." She said with her mouth full.

"Oh, oh, I gotta Big Mac it's gotta lot of smack and afterward it's like wack in the stomach-"

"Okay, okay, that's enough." I cried while laughing my butt off.


About an hour later(we took the long way) we arrive at my place, I say goodbye to Nova and head to the door.

And like a dummy, I drop my keys perfectly in the crack of the cement.

So I start pounding in the door like a maniac and dad opens the door with a bat in his hands.

"Oh my god, you almost gave me a heart attack," "Bad joke dad," I replied as I walked in the door.

"What happened? Did you lose your keys?" "No, I dropped them in a crack outside," I sighed

"Oh, I thought you were a serial killer."
"So I did I." He laughed.

"I'm gonna go change out of these clothes," "what's wrong with them?" "Oh, Nova spilled tarter sauce on my shirt,"

I changed my shirt and called josh (- - -) "Hello?" "Hey, josh! You up for a visit?"

"So I rush penny into granny's and we go on our way"

"I can't believe you're still chasing this crap," "listen I don't care what you think that's what happened," I said in both sassy and sarcastic way.

"Where did all this even come from anyway?" "Well, I've just been seeing him a lot lately since summer started,"

"Ya cause you signed up for that stupid summer reading thing," "Speaking of, I gotta go to that thing. See ya tomorrow"

"You know what tomorrow is don't you?" "Yeah I know," "Bye," "Bye," He replied

I sat there regretting signing up while Mr. Zac chatted up the group "Does anyone have any questions?"
But I was mostly thinking about tomorrow, and how much it would suck."

Mr Zac | The Series Collection | Completed ✔️ | Piper KingWhere stories live. Discover now