Chapter 4: Peneolpe

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2 weeks later

I woke up at 3 am in a cold sweat from a tells before breakfast.

I got out of bed to the smell of fresh pancakes downstairs a smile grew on my face and I raced down the stairs waking up sal who was sleeping at the foot of my bed.

I walked into the kitchen with sal by my side and saw granny pouring syrup on the pancakes which rested on an antique plate.

I sat down "thanks, gran!" I said with a smile, She sat down. " your welcome sweetie," I smiled at her while gobbling the pancakes, and she laughed.

" pumpkin did you go to the Craig house again?" I stopped eating my pancakes and sat down my fork " no why?"
" You just seem startled," "I just had a nightmare.." I said as I picked my fork and eat again.

" Okay pumpkin," she looked down at her food and then picked it up and put it in the sink and went to her room.

I mean technically I didn't go over there I just looked over there and I wasn't startled by my nightmare I was still startled by seeing that girl a couple of weeks ago.

I finished my pancakes and put them in the sink and went outside to walk sal.

I purposely walked by the Craig house to try and see the girl and I did.

Without her seeing me I tied sal to a tree and started walking over there and as expected she started running.

" Wait! " I shouted I ran after her as she ran into the woods I followed, as fast as I could go I tried to chase her down.

A few feet into the woods I finally got close enough, I tackled her and for a while, we wrestled around on the ground before I pinned her down by her wrists. She didn't scream she just kicked and kicked and kicked.

" What's your name! " I yelled " Penelope," she moaned in reply I got up and sat on my knees " your who?" She sat up slowly " My name is Penelope" " Why did you run?" I asked. She sat up more comfortably.

" People forgot about me, that's my house over there," she pointed to the pink and blue house, " Or my old house I should say, " " Wait...are you the Craig girl?" I guess, my last name is Craig.

" What do you mean you guess? " " well ever since I was twelve I remember taking care of my self and that house? Well, I guess It's my home because all my memories of when I was little are there although I've never been inside."

"You've never been inside your own house?!"

" No as long as I can remember I've never been inside." "Wow," I sighed.

It was ten o'clock and I thought I better get back to the house.

"Hey granny," I said as I walked in and took off sals collar " Hey sweetie, you look startled?"

" Come sit down." I sat down on the couch and looked at gran. "Now since breakfast is over tell me about your nightmare." My face could not explain how I felt, literally if I made a face then granny would freak out! But she was about to anyway.

" Granny I-" I was cut off by the phone ringing in the kitchen. I let out a deep breath of relief,
"Oh! Just a minute I'll be right back." I sat on the couch and listened to granny talk the phone.

Finally, she came back into the living room, "Good news pumpkin, your father is on his way home." What!" I said as she sat down " your aunt carol is driving your dad home at this very second.

I sprung up and jumped up and down and plopped onto the couch like "Poof!" Granny laughed "So this means I get to go home?!" I said loud causing sal to run into the living room, "sure does!" She replied whilst sal barked.

I went upstairs with sal following to go pack.

As I was packing I slowed down and was reminded of Penelope, I just met her and I didn't want to so soon but I was also excited to go home.

I walked down the stairs with the suitcase in my hand and set it by the living room door I had to leave pretty early that morning to go home.

I grabbed Sal's leash and took him on his morning walk.

I stood in front of the Craig house looking at Penelope, I was debating whether to say goodbye to her or not.

"Hey! Over here," she yelled as she looked up.

I walked up to the house and sal started barking at Penelope.

I held him back anyway, I sat down next to Penelope "Hey Penelope," "Please call me Penny and I never happened to catch your name?".

"It's Katie," "Oh awesome," she said "Hey I just came over here to say" "oh bye.."
She said in a saddened tone, she got up and walked into the woods.

I almost went after her but I just sat there,
I got up and walked sal around then home.

I sat on the porch waiting for josh to pull up
Finally, he pulled up and I said goodbye to granny and sal and hopped into the car.

"Hey, how's a' going?" "Well there's is a lot to catch up on," "wow I'm gone one day and that much happened?" "Yep."

I told him everything even how sal followed me the whole time.
"Okay..yeah that's a lot." "Katie there's this summer dance and.." "sure" "what?" "I said sure, I'll go." "Oh, Okay".

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