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Cadence groaned sleepily, opening her eyes to see the grey-colored ceiling in her bedroom. Taking an after work nap was apart of her daily routine. She stretched her 5'7 frame in her queen-sized bed, remembering the notification on her phone. It has been three hours since the person answered her message, making the young girl's anxiety go through the roof.

Laying her back against the bed frame, she unlocked her phone using Face ID. It had been a pain in the ass for her as she transitioned from the iPhone 6s to the iPhone XS. Clicking the notification that had been lingering on the home screen, she hoped that Val's response wasn't shallow.

Good afternoon, Cadence. Indeed this is hard for the both of us, and I know for a fact that you are my child. Thankful is an understatement, as technology isn't bad after all LOL. I've been trying to look for you for years, but your name never popped up. I won't go into detail via messenger, but not to sound too pushy, I would like to meet you. You have an younger sister, Jade, who's fourteen. She's always wanted an older sibling, which is a good thing on our ends. I've lived in Los Angeles for the past decade. There isn't much to say, but it's okay if you don't want to see me right now. This is so much to take in, but I hope you do take care of yourself.

- Val

Tears clouded her eyes, making Cadence wipe them. She was relieved that he answered her, in a respectful and optimistic manner. She wasn't sure if she wanted to meet him soon, as she needed to process this news. Next week she did get paid week's vacation, but she still was apprehensive. God truly answered her prayers, and she had to decide quickly. A small piece of heart knew that this man loved her. Smiling at the thought, maybe this wouldn't be bad after all. She can finally receive the closure that she needed.

Going on the notes app, she wrote down questions she'd ask this man. Mentally preparing herself was going to be hard. Certain topics included why was she given up for adoption, and who her mother is. It didn't bother her that she had a little sister. She was the only child, so it was cool to have someone look up to her.

Slowly getting out of bed, Cadence went into the bathroom doing her morning routine. For once she was regaining her happiness back. Things were starting to look up for the young girl, but of course she had her guard up. She didn't want to disappoint herself.

Texting her boss about the good news, it felt surreal for Cadence. This was one step closer in meeting her birth mother; wanting to know why she did what she did. A wave of fear about potentially meeting her actual family caused anxiety. Waves of emotions were going up and down, and overthinking played its role. Cadence's phone vibrated with a text message sent from her boss.

Ryanne G.
Awww, Cadence!! So happy for you! Know you're ecstatic about this and I can't wait to hear how this meeting goes 🙌🏾❤️

It felt good to share this positive news to someone. Cadence felt her adoptive mother look down on her, feeling proud as ever. This was just phase one for her self-identity journey. Having the courage to answer her father back, she decided it was best to meet him, along with her sister. Anxiously waiting for him to respond, Cadence paced back and forth expecting her phone to buzz.

Within three minutes, he answered happily. He offered to pay for her flight, making her smile. Although she was financial stable, it felt good to save her money. In two weeks, she'd be meeting the person who's been on her mind for years. Spending an entire week in Los Angeles, Cadence thought it was an awesome idea to have in-depth conversations. She was mentally prepared, but emotionally? Maybe not. Whatever her dad has to say, she'd have to accept it all.

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