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November 12th, 1999:

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November 12th, 1999:

Another contraction hit Janet's body as she laid in the uncomfortable hospital bed. It was the twenty second hour of her never ending labor. Holding onto Val's hand, tears rolled down her face as she couldn't take the pain. Trying his best to comfort her in every way possible, Val planted kisses on her forehead. Looking at the monitor, he noticed the contraction was coming to an end. Every six minutes one would occur, but would last for five minutes straight.

Baby Cadence was living up to her own name. Marching to the beat of her own drum, she was one little stubborn kid. Every twenty minutes, a nurse would come in to examine Janet. Hoping for good news as to delivering the baby, she was praying she could dilate more.

"From seven to nine centimeters, you're almost there. Keep breathing and I'll be back in another twenty minutes." Nurse Thomas smiled. It was complete music to Janet and Val's ears. It felt like someone was stabbing her repeatedly, and not stopping. Janet's water broke yesterday morning while she was cooking breakfast. She was two weeks early and feared that the baby wouldn't be healthy, but with a sonogram and heart monitor, Cadence would be just fine.

"Val, I'm scared." Janet confessed. Contractions were one thing, but to push a baby out for the first time? Nerve wracking. She didn't have the support that she anticipated from her family. Her brother, Michael, couldn't come as he had a prior engagement. He loved Janet and his unborn niece.

"It'll be over with. Tough times don't last for long." Janet caught onto his corny joke that was made. Her laughter caused her to hiss in pain, as another contraction hit. Grabbing Val's hand, she breathed in and out, hoping their child would come now. Clicking the red button, nurse Thomas walked in alongside Dr. Allen, who was Janet's OB/GYN. Examining her once more, she was completely dilated.

"Ms. Janet, it is finally time now. Just relax and do as I say, okay?" Dr. Allen spoke. Nodding her head, she held onto Val's hand. Placing both legs on the beige stirrups, tears rolled down her face as reality was settling in. The doctor directed her to push, which she did. Forcefully gripping Val's hand, she gave all the effort she could. This was the loudest that Val has ever heard his woman. He hated seeing her in that discomfort. The screams were high pitch as the baby's head was crowning.

Unraveling the umbilical cord around the neck, the doctor instructed her to push again. She did what was told, and after thirty minutes of pushing, Cadence Eliza Elliott was born weighing in at six pounds and four ounces. It hurt the young couple knowing their baby girl wasn't going home with them. The adoption agency agreed to give them twenty-four hours of bonding time before Cadence departed.

The nurse cleaned up the new baby, swaddling her in the blanket. She was so precious. Nurse Thomas placed Cadence into Janet's arms. Both parents and baby were in the room, just enjoying one another's presence. Janet couldn't help but notice how much she favored Val. Her curly hair and complexion was definitely inherited from him.

All my life I've waited
To see your smile again

Making small noises, Cadence gave a smile in her sleep, making Janet even more emotional. Val took his daughter into his arms and kissed her little forehead. Cadence had that "new baby" scent, which Val loved.

"Mommy and Daddy love you so much, Cadence. We promise to come back." Val whispered. He never knew what unconditional love felt until his child was born. People spoke about it, but experiencing the feeling was completely different.

Janet looked at her boyfriend in awe. He wasn't meant to be a father, but it would all be cut short tomorrow. Turning away from him, Janet sniffled, hating what was going to be done in the next twenty-four hours.

"Would Val still love me through it all?" She thought. This was something Janet would not wish on her worst enemy.

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