Chapter 60

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Ron's POV

I tap Hermione on the shoulder.

"Can I talk to you after the feast? Alone?" I ask. She nods, mouth full of food. I know she hasn't eaten anything like this in weeks or even months. I smile as I stuff my mouth too. I can't say that my eating habits have changed without lying. My mind floats back to tonight's previous events. Coming back. McGonagall's meeting with us. Not being expelled but actually being awarded points for having the courage to save our best friend. No one but the five of us know about the addition of points but surely it'll be recognized soon. The attention the five of us got when we walked into the Great Hall. 'Mione ... Kissing ... Malfoy ... In front of ... Everyone... My heart is cracking a tiny bit at the memory.

I get through my meal and wait for Hermione in the corridor. She comes out and I grab her arm, pulling her aside. Malfoy walks out and tries to wait for her but she waves him off. Reluctantly, he goes. When all the students are gone, I begin to say the things I've been meaning to tell her for the longest of times.

"I really need to tell you something. And before I do, hear me out, okay?" I say. Hermione nods. I take a deep breath and start.

"The day when Ginny told you about ... The letter, well, there's more to that. In my first class that day, a Slytherin thought it would be funny to pull a prank on me. Everyone knew about us, so he wanted to make you mad. The Slytherin wrote a fake letter, faked my signature, and even tried to give it to Cho. Luna had intercepted the letter, but had questioned me about it. I told her it was fake and I didn't write it. I rushed to the Great Hall to confront the Slytherin, but Ginny, being her nosy self, took the letter and misunderstood why it was in my hand," I explain. Hermione stares at me.

"Aaannnddd you're telling me this because..." She leads.

"I'm trying to tell you that I still love you!" I say loudly, throwing my hands in the air. "A stupid fucking Slytherin tried to tear me away from you! I never wanted that to happen! Ginny knows, Harry knows, Luna knows, but I told them that I wanted to tell you. Hermione Jean Granger, I am in love with you. I would have done anything to stop that Slytherin from writing that letter. Let go of the ferret and come back to me," I beg. I stare Hermione straight in the eye. Her eyes avert to look at the wall.

"Ron," she whispers. "I do love you..."

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