Dearly Avoided and Yet Unpreventable

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Oliver didn't like the weekends. He often had days off during that time. Other than going to work, there wasn't much he was used to spend his time with. After all, his partner would only start another argument once he'd find something new for himself. However, Oliver didn't spend the weekend with Fukase either. The both of them most often merely crossed paths in their apartment every now and then but didn't interact much other than that. Oliver felt like any unnecessary word would only lead to conflicts eventually.

However, this weekend wasn't like any other. It started with the unsettling sensation of ease taking over Oliver's body. The previous evening delighted him enough for it to last until the early Saturday hours. Oliver and Fukase even slept in the same bed again with no argument. This inebriant feeling continued through Fukase who had been striking his hand through Oliver's hair. He had played with a few messy blonde strands as his still dreamy mind suggested for the both of them to go out for a change.

Oliver froze for a second. He didn't expect his partner to ever suggest such a request, considering the redhead barely went outside. In fact, he never really liked being outside. This issue has only been worsening over time, making the blond wonder where this idea came out of all of a sudden. Fukase merely shrugged his shoulders when Oliver asked and beamed a weak smile.

"I just felt like spending time together properly again."

Fukase usually was the one to make clear what his motives were. This time, however, Oliver couldn't figure it out. The situation seemed surreal to him and his stomach started twitching. Aside from the strange proposal, there was something else about it making the blond feel uneasy.

His partner was a loose cannon. One wrong factor would make him snap out of his calm state and turn into full of rage again. Oliver remembered the times this has happened in public. He didn't want to re-experience such scenarios, which is why he rather hesitated with his answer.

Oliver noticed Fukase stiffening up at the lack of responses from his lover. Despite his inner self screaming at him not to agree, Oliver hummed in content. He hated himself for agreeing so easily, but he neither had the energy nor the words to interfere. Fukase would be the one to get things his way again anyway.

His partner sat up and chuckled lightly. It baffled Oliver to find Fukase in such a delight. He was taken by surprise even more as his partner leaned down and left gentle kissed all over Oliver's face before getting out of bed completely, holding the blond's hand tightly in the progress.

"Well then, let's get ready."

"This reminds me of the past," Oliver mumbled and looked down to his and Fukase's intertwined hands. They swung along with the movements of their bodies as they took a walk around the city's park. The scenery hasn't changed much in years, but it still felt new to Oliver. It's been a very long while the last time he marched across the sandy paths. The blond looked up surprised to hear Fukase chuckle lightly. His partner looked over to the other people lying on the grass.

"Feeling nostalgic?" Fukase hesitated a bit and gave a smug smile. "We often were here when we were young...and adventurous."

Oliver had to smile when understanding what Fukase was alluring to. He pressed the redhead's hand lightly and nodded to the playground on the other side of the grass platform. Fukase followed his gaze.

"What's up? You want to bring back old memories?" 

Fukase let go of Oliver's hand and instead slid his own underneath Oliver's shirt. Oliver shuddered at the tingly sensation rushing through his body. He gently pushed the hand aside, but achieved the opposite. Fukase forced his hand through to travel across Oliver's torso. He chuckled when finding the blond to be getting worked up about the sensitive touches.

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