Nightmares Come True

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Oliver groaned as he got pulled out of his dreams. His yet hazy mind barely helped him orient himself in the darkness. His arm was resting on something warm and he bent his head to the side. He forgot for a second that he was sleeping in Fukase's bed. The two of them have started to share a bed the past days again, but it still startled the blond every morning to wake up somewhere outside his own room.

Even now, it felt off to lie with his loved one in his arms, no harm awaiting him. Oliver rubbed his eyes and sighed, noticing the growing headache from waking up in the middle of the night. While caressing Fukase's side, he noticed his partner to be shivering. Oliver merely pulled the blanket over Fukase again, but the shivering didn't stop. Quite the contrary, his body flinched at the sudden gesture. Oliver blinked a few times, wondering whether he was imagining things but then leaned up on his elbow.

"Fukase? Are you awake?" Oliver whispered, internally hoping to not receive an answer. His gut feeling didn't give him a good sign. He gulped it away for now and continued to carefully run his fingers over Fukase's arm. The redhead pulled away and slowly turned around. Oliver frowned, trying to see any certain expression in his lover's face, but his eyes were still not adapting to the dark.

"Did I wake you up? I'm sorry," Fukase muttered and rubbed his eyes. He forced a weak smile more for himself than Oliver and pulled lightly on the blond's shirt, making him lie down again.

"Is something wrong?"

Oliver reached his hand out to touch Fukase's face and stopped on his tracks as he noticed how cold it was. Fukase still didn't say anything.

"Hey, are you sick? What's wrong?" Oliver stemmed his torso back up again, crawling closer to the redhead. He pressed the back of his hand across Fukase's face a few times and gulped; it was freezing cold and covered in sweat.

"What? No, I'm not. I'm fine," Fukase stuttered, pushing Oliver's hand off his face. He squinted his eyes shut as Oliver switched on the light without any warning. He scanned Fukase's face once more but couldn't find anything worrisome. Instead, he noticed the shakiness of his partner to have gotten worse. He frowned but then ran his hand cautiously through Fukase's hair until his counterpart reluctantly opened his eyes.

"What else is bothering you then?" Oliver muttered and locked eyes with his lover, "and don't come up with any lies. I can tell you're not feeling well."

Fukase frowned and looked down on the sheets. He drew small circles on them with his fingers, sighing a few times. Oliver waited, careful to not make any misleading sounds himself.

"I don't know...I woke up from a nightmare again."

Oliver wrapped an arm around Fukase's waist and patted his back lightly. Hoping to get to reassure him, the blond continued like this for a while.

"What did you dream about?"

Fukase clenched his teeth and breathed in sharply. "You left me."

Oliver frowned but pulled the redhead closer. His lover retorted the gesture only reluctantly.

"You've been dreaming about this quite a lot the past days, no?" Oliver muttered and sighed, feeling a pinch in his heart. Albeit those were only dreams, the mere thought of being parted from Fukase pained him. Kazehiki's requests came to mind. He quickly tossed the thoughts aside.

"I know and I'm sorry, but I," Fukase took a few deep breaths, trying to keep his stuttering under control, "I guess I've just been thinking about it too much lately."

Oliver leaned back to lock eyes with Fukase, however, the redhead broke it off quickly. He nibbled on his lip for a while, visibly uneasy and sighed.

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