Rising Suspicions

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"Wanna come to Joe's again? It'll be me and a few others though."

Oliver checked on the message several times. It arrived just as punctual as usual - shortly after the start of lunch break - but it had a different feeling to it. He fidgeted with the phone in his hand a little longer, pondering why he felt that way but gave in to the invitation anyway. While packing his things, Oliver's face carried a light smile.

After that one lunch meetup, Kazehiki's and his friendship has bettered rapidly. It almost looked like nothing has happened between the two. Oliver was glad to have a bit of delight in his daily life, especially now after his and Fukase's intimate phase has worn off again. Oliver has been feeling like a ghost in their apartment. Jumping out of that numbing sensation was barely doable for him if it weren't for his coworker to be helping him out indirectly.

Oliver wondered what lunch break would be like with several people. It has always been only him and Kazehiki so far, after all. He remembered the times in the food pantry but didn't count them as the same. Kazehiki knew the other coworkers and it wasn't all about eating and then moving on again. At least that's what Oliver has always imagined.

As soon as Oliver reached the restaurant, he was surprised to recognize a few faces of the other colleagues. He beamed all of them a weak smile but halted at a peculiar coworker. Instead of a friendly greeting, all he received was an intense stare, making Oliver frown in confusion. Her face was just as recognizeable to him; in fact, he has seen her several times before. 

Only a few months ago, she appeared in his work field out of nowhere and has laid an eye on him every now and then ever since. Oliver never came around talking to her or asking her about it, but now that he was standing so close to her, he wished he had done it. There was no certain indicator, but a chill immediately ran down his spine and the two of them solely stared at each other. The aura darkened for a moment and the blond had genuine trouble finding out of it again.

It was Kazehiki that managed to tear the two apart with his voice. Oliver flinched and looked up, still clearly bewildered from the unusual encounter with the young woman. He sat down on the last free seat between his friend and the woman, taking off his jacket only hesitantly. Everyone was now staring at them, causing Oliver to chuckle weakly.

"I recognize everyone but her, that's why I was a little thrown off for a moment."

"Her? Oh, that's Danielle," Another coworker said and nodded towards her. Danielle merely sat there and looked at the back of Oliver's head until he turned back to her. He still couldn't force a smile and gulped instead. Her eyes made him shiver in uneasiness.

"Don't be too crept out. She's not much of a talker, but she's friendly."

Kazehiki joked and the others joined in. Oliver tried to do so as well but couldn't really relax with a pair of eyes staring him down. He initially thought of just ignoring her and relax by talking to Kazehiki and the others, however, he couldn't take the eerie staring any longer and turned around to face her again.

Danielle didn't avert her gaze and instead met the blond's eyes while redoing her ponytail. Oliver gulped, unsure of how to react. He smiled weakly once more but got greeted with nothing but coldness from her side.

"Are you new by the way? I've been seeing you at work for not too long."

Oliver tried to evade the grim atmosphere by talking. He wasn't much of a talker himself usually, but this silence was driving him crazy. Danielle grunted annoyed and rolled her eyes.

"You're too bold to care for people like me. Of course you wouldn't notice me."

Oliver blinked for a few moments, processing what the woman told him. He already had a strange feeling about her, but he didn't expect her to snap at him like that. She continued to glare at him, unfazed of his smile fading. Oliver rose an eyebrow.

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