The Great Revelation

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Oliver looked at his phone to check the time and grunted. He was late again just because he overslept a little. He still couldn't understand how his alarm didn't set off even though he never switched it off, but he had no time to ponder about it. 

At least one quick last glance in the mirror promised him a not too hideous view. The extra amount of sleep he had gotten over the weekend showed effect on his face. A small smile found its way on the blond's face when reminiscing about the successful weekend. Kazehiki's help saved his position at the workplace for a little longer and Fukase wasn't acting up in any way. Despite the fact that Oliver didn't do much else other than sleep, he fully enjoyed the weekend for once. It has been a terribly long while the last time he heard himself saying that.

While hurrying towards the front door, however, the inner harmony quickly vanished as soon as Fukase suddenly walked out the kitchen and blocked his lover's way. He silently looked at Oliver who was frowning confused, yet not saying anything.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Work?" Oliver's frown deepened, clearly confused at Fukase's behavior. The redhead continued to merely stare at Oliver, not moving an inch. His glare did not promise any good but Oliver could not make out why Fukase would be upset all of a sudden. He had acted fairly calm during the weekend.

"I called you in sick for the day. Don't worry."

Fukase sounded calm but his eyes told Oliver something different. Bewildered by the sudden activeness of his partner, the blond didn't know what to say for a while. He merely managed to croack out weak words.

"Why would you do that?"

Fukase's presence turned scarier with every further second. Oliver couldn't tell what was going on in Fukase's head. He ended up just standing there, fidgeting with his sleeves.

Eventually, he tried to find a way around Fukase but ended up being stopped by a hand. Fukase squished his lover's shoulder inbetween his fingers and pushed him backwards to the living room.

"We need to talk. That's why."

Oliver flinched at the harsh grip, but the more he evaded it the tighter it got. He obeyed for now and walked backwards to the living room, letting the redhead push him on the couch. Oliver looked up to him both confused and anxious, waiting for any sort of explanation. Fukase continued to just stand there, crossing his arms and looking down at his counterpart.

Oliver wanted to say something to break the silence as he suddenly noticed Fukase to be gulping hard. The redhead looked to the side for a while and sniffed. It had more of an aggressive than vulnerable tone to it, confusing the blond even more. Fukase opened his mouth to speak up, however, for a long time, there was nothing but shaky breaths echoing through the silence.

"Why would you do that to me?"

Oliver's heart wrenched before he could even comprehend what was happening nor what Fukase was referring to. Hearing his lover's shaky voice break sent a sharp pain through his chest.

"After all we've been through and all the promises you made, you all never mattered to you?"

Tears have formed in Fukase's eyes by now. He looked back at Oliver, frowning pained but still trying to sound strong. Despite the alarm bells inside Oliver ringing intensely, the blond couldn't help but walk towards his partner. While hugging him tightly, the blond murmured reassuring words. Fukase almost seemed to calm down again.

"Baby, what are you talking about?"

"Don't call me that!" Oliver couldn't react quickly enough and fell back on the couch as Fukase suddenly pushed him away. "And...don't touch me."

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