Chapter 15

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"No that can't be true you left me!" I yelled into the phone but not to loud, I didn't want anyone to hear. "Can we just, meet up?

"Are you insane! After all these years you want to meet up! Fuck you do not call me ever again!" I yelled, I hung up the phone and called one of my friends, well I didn't know him very well all I knew was that he liked parties. "Yo do you have a party tonight?" I asked him, he answers yes and told me to come, I agreed and walked back into the livingroom.

"Who's up for a party?" I asked, everyone looked at me and nodded their head. "Nah I'm staying here" Diana said.

"Me too" Noen joined in. "Well who does want to go?" I asked, Anthony stood up. "Me" he said.

"I'll go too" Jaden also stood up. "Yes if my girl is finally going to a party I have to be there" Belle said, I giggled and nodded my head. "I'm going to" Chase said standing up. "Okay let's go" I said, Belle stopped me and shook her head.

"Girl we have to change our outfit come on" she dragged me upstairs and threw some clothes around finding two outfits for the both of us.

"Girl we have to change our outfit come on" she dragged me upstairs and threw some clothes around finding two outfits for the both of us

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Jupiter's outfit ^

Jupiter's outfit ^

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Belle's outfit ^

"Okay let's go" Belle said, we walked downstairs, the boys were waiting in the hallway for us, Chase smiled at me and took my hand helping me down the last step. "What a gentleman you are" I said, we walked out of the house and got in Belle's car, we listened to music as we drove to the party.

When we got to the party my anxiety built up, I didn't even like parties and I had no idea why I wanted to go, honestly I just wanted to get drunk.

I looked around seeing people blacked out on the lawn already, others were smoking or making out, when we got inside the smell of alcohol hit me hard, I held onto Belles hand as she led us through the crowd towards the kitchen, I saw a few people taking drugs and shit.

"Here" Belle handed me a red cup and I looked in it. "It's good" she said smiling, I took a sip and nodded my head, I had no idea what I had gotten myself into.

Jaden and Chase had gone off somewhere while Anthony and Belle were talking next to me, I was just looking around a bit. "Come on let's dance" Anthony said taking my hand. "Where's Belle?" I asked him, he got closer to me in hopes of hearing me this time. "Where's Belle?!" I asked once more.

"She saw a hot guy and left" I giggled and we went to the dance floor, the alcohol kicked in and we started dancing around in the group of sweaty drunk teens, Jaden and Chase had joined in too and we were all just having fun. "I'm going to the bathroom" I said laughing.

"I'll come with you" Chase said taking my hand, I pushed him a little and shook my head. "No no I'm fine" I slurred, his shrugged and let my hand go.

I looked around for the bathroom opening a door seeing two teenagers fucking, I widened my eyes and closed the door, I shook my hand and went upstairs. "Looking for the bathroom?" I turned around and saw a random dude looking at me, I nodded my head. "Yeah"

"Come on" he took my hand and led me to a door, he opened it and gestured for me to go in, it was indeed a bathroom and I thanked him, two girls and one guy were in there snorting up a few lines. "Sorry" I said to them, one of the girls looked at me. "Oh no problem honey, we will be gone soon, or do you want to join" I looked at the lines and then back at the girl, memories of my dad calling me came back to my mind.

Right here I chose the worst decision I could've but I didn't care, I wanted the pain to go away, the pain I didn't even know was in me, I nodded my head and she grabbed my hand. "Have you done this before?" The guy asked, I shook my head no and the teens smiled. "Here just, snort it" the second girl said handing me her phone with the two lines of cocain on it.

I snorted them both and a stinging pain hit my brain, they looked at me and I didn't say anything, the girl smiled at me and grabbed my waist, she pressed her lips on mine and I kissed her back.

I don't know why I was doing this, this was wrong in every way possible, but taking those drugs felt so good, it made me feel so calm, I didn't have that feeling of loneliness like I normally do, I forgot about everything, I forgot when my doctor diagnosed me with bipolar depression, I forgot about my parents' death, I forgot about my dad, I forgot it all, I felt so free, but I knew how wrong it was.

The girl let me go and I walked out of the bathroom stumbeling, I walked back to the boys and wrapped my arms around Chase's neck. "You know, you're really hot" I said giggeling, I saw him frown but I didn't care, I placed my hand on his cheek and smiled. "Are you high?!" He asked me shocked. "Nooo" I said exagerrating the 'O'.

"Jupe what did you take!?" Anthony asked me worried. "You guys are party poopers, I'm going to Bels" I said walking away from them, Jaden tried to stop me but I pushed him away. "Don't touch me" I slurred, I held up my middle finger and walked out to the backyard seeing Belle make out with a guy, I shrugged and walked the other way.

I sat down on a chair next to a few people who were smoking a blunt. "Want some?" A guy with blonde hair asked, I nodded my head and took a hit of the blunt, my head started pounding and I saw a figure come up to me, I couldn't make out who it was because my vision got so blurry.

"Let's....leave" is all I heard before I passed out.

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