Chapter 18

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I was getting ready for my date with Chase, I threw different clothes around to find the perfect outfit, I was so nervouse, for some reason he makes me feel some type of way, I don't know what it was, I finally found the perfect outfit and I put it on, also adding my regular make up.

I was getting ready for my date with Chase, I threw different clothes around to find the perfect outfit, I was so nervouse, for some reason he makes me feel some type of way, I don't know what it was, I finally found the perfect outfit and I put i...

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I got a text from Chase saying that he was outside waiting in his car, I walked down the stairs and said goodbye to my parents, Diana and Noen who came to visit earlier, I walked out on the porch and saw Chase leaning against his car.

"You look good" he said smiling, I blushed and gave him a hug. "You too" I said eyeing his outfit but mostly his face, I loved everything about him, which scared me a little, because people can hurt you, and a lot too.

We got inside the car and I pulled out my phone turning on my bluetooth and connecting it to the speaker.

I played Change by Arin Ray with Kehlani and sang along to the lyrics.

"I love this song" Chase said humming along. "Really? Didn't think you'd know it" I said softly, he smiled and put his hand on my upper thigh.

I smiled and put my hand on his, I looked at him taking in all of his features, how the sun would light up his blue eyes and make them look like sapphires, the way his lips were a little parted as he focused on the road ahead, his sharp jawline and his fluffy hair that I loved so much.

I never really thought I would fall in love again, but I started to notice how every part of my soul wished to be with him when he wasn't around.

How I missed his soft touch on my skin, how I wanted to see his smile every day, how I wanted him, and every part of him.

He turned his head noticing my stare, he smiled and squeezed my thigh, I looked back forward quickly with a small smile.

The car came to a slow stop as we arrived to wherever we were, Chase wouldn't tell me where we were going.

"Alright, come on" Chase opened the car door for me and grabbed my hand I smiled and fixed my skirt with my empty hand, we walked inside and I saw a bunch of machines and fun games.

"We're at an arcade!" I sqeeuled like a child, Chase chuckled and out his arm around my neck. "You remembered" I said softly.

"Mhm" he hummed, I always loved arcades, I loved the neon lights and the fun games, it was nostalgic, I used to go to arcades with Diana every time we were in a new city, I told Chase a while back and I guess he remembered.

I ran to the air hockey table and put in a coin. "You're so not ready" I said smirking, he raised his eyebrows. "Hm sure about that princess"

I laughed and we started the game, after a while I had won and I was jumping around like a child, people were looking at me and when I realised I hid my face in my hands, I felt two arms wrap around me and I looked up, I saw Chase smiling at me and I smiled scrunching my nose a little.

After a while of playing games, taking pictures and eating some popcorn we decided to head back, or that's what I thought.

"Put this on" Chase said handing me a blindfold. "Uh no thanks hun" I said pushing it away from me, he frowned and pouted his lips, I couldn't resist so I put on the blindfold and he led me back to the car, we started driving while listening to music and I sang along.

"We're here but keep the blindfold on" I had no idea where we were, I heard a few cars drive by but that was it, after walking for a minute I heard a door open and close, I felt a little warmer and didn't hear any cars so I was probably inside.

I heard another door open but this time it sounded like an elevator, I was so confused and had no idea what was going on.

I was led out of the elevator and heard something beep and then a door open.

I figured we were in a hotel which, is kind of weird? If you think about it but whatever.

"Okay take off the blindfold"

I took it off and saw a bed, on the bed was a purple heart made out of rose pedals, inside of it was spelled GF? Also made out of rose pedals but these were black, I smiled and attacked Chase in a hug. "That's a yes?" He asked, I pulled back holding his cheeks. "Yes" I said laughing a little.

I leaned in and so did he untill I felt his soft lips against mine, the kiss was short but sweet.

"Where are we?" I whispered.

"Remember where we met?"

"Floor 13" I anwserd

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