chapter 16

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Chase's pov

I looked down at the pink haired girl in that laid with her head on lap as her legs laid on the car couch, Jaden was driving Belle's car and Anthony and Belle took an uber back to Jupiter's house.

I couldn't believe I let her go alone to that bathroom, I knew this was a bad idea, Jupiter hates parties so why would she out of nowhere go to one.

"drive faster" I told Jaden, he glanced at me and then back at the road. "I can't I'm already over the speed limit Chase"

"I don't care! Go hurry up!" I yelled at him. "Look Chase! I know you care about Jupiter but I can't go faster okay!" He yelled back. "I care about her too!"

"Not in the way that I do! I like this girl, as in like like!" Jaden went quiet. "You like her?" He asked, his voice was softer and more calm this time. "Yes, like a lot" I told him.

"She's going to be fine" he tried to reassure me but part of him was trying to reassure himself too.

Jupiter's pov

I opened my eyes and felt silky bedsheets on my body, I looked around and saw my familiar room, the pink walls and many stuffed animals, the two terrariums of my pets, I felt my head pounding as I sat up.

I crawled out of my bed and looked down seeing Chase's shirt, when did that happen? I thought to myself, I groaned and remembered some things from last night, I rememberd the weed, cocaine and alchohol in my system, and for some reason, I was craving more, I shook my head trying to wake myself up a little.

I walked downstairs and into the livingroom and saw all of my friends passed out either on the couch, a mattress or the ground, they all had some pillows and blankets.

"Jupiter" I turned around and saw my mom, I smiled and waved hi. "Hi momma" she embraced me in a hug and I giggled. "Don't ever scare me like that again" she told me, I nodded my head.

"Jupe!" I heard Belle say, I turned around and saw the brunnete smiling at me. "Damn girl you look crusty" she said, I giggled and hugged her.

Slowly everyone started to wake up and one by one hug me, last was Chase who hugged me longer than anyone did, I smiled into his neck as he rubbed my back with his hand. "JJ don't do that again, please, I was so scared" he whispered into my ear.

"There's nothing to be scared of Chase" I whispered. "I thought I was going to lose you" his grip around me tightened and my shirt get wet. "Never"

He let go of me and I put my hands on his cheeks wiping his tears away, Chase meant so much to me, in the short amount of time I've known him he's become my bestfriend, I love him to death, and honestly some part of me didn't just want him to be my friend, I wanted him as more than a friend, but I couldn't ever tell him that, I didn't want our friendship to be fucked up by me because I have a crush or whatever.

"Where's Noen?" I asked when I realised he wasn't here. "He went to talk to his parents about you know the whole half brother thing, he on the phone upstairs in my room." Diana said, I nodded my head and smiled. "It's so weird how we didn't even know that we had a brother" I giggled, Diana agreed and I cuddled up next to her on the couch.

Our whole intire life Diana and I had been so close, for most of our life we only had eachother untill met Belle when we were five years old, from then on it was always us three, at ten years old we met Avani and since then we've always been together, it was always just us four, no one could ever change that, untill we met all of these people.

And I didn't regret a second of it, I love all of these kids with my whole heart, I know that they have my back and I have theirs, always.

"Damn Jupiter you really scared the shit out of me" Griffin said, I smiled at him. "For real! I know I haven't known you for long, none of us have but you're like my little sister! I love you" he said, I smiled and walked over to the other couch where he sat, I sat on his lap and put me arms around his neck hugging him. "I love you too weirdo"

I stood back up and went over to the kitchen to grab some water and an advil. "Jupiter!" I turned around and was attacked in a big hug by Noen. "Hi Noen"

"Shit thank god you're okay" he whispered in my ear. "Yeah ofcourse I can't leave my brother on his own with Diana" he laughed and released me from the hug.

Everyone had left and it was just Noen, Diana and I, we were in my room, I had my head on Noen's chest and his arm was around my neck, Diana layed in my beanbag surrounded by cute stuffed animals. "I love you guys" Noen said breaking the silence, I looked up at him and smiled.

"I know I'm not your full brother and I know I barely know you two but I do love you both, a lot" I smiled and so did Diana. "I love you too" Diana said.

"I love you both so much" I said.

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