05. rough drafts of humanity

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While Kronos had watched over humanities Golden Age, Zeus saw the Silver Age. Zeus was a jealous God who loved it when the humans worshipped him, but they eventually refused, and Zeus was p i s s e d. And of course, his solution, kill them all. So, that was what he did, he destroyed the vast majority of humanity.

Some people survived, and thus began the Bronze Age. These survivors were warriors, tough ones, but Zeus didn't like their destructive nature, so he sent floods to wipe them out. Only two people survived; Deucalion and Pyrrah. Zeus commanded them to repopulate, and they did so by throwing rocks and the rocks turning into humans. 

And then began the Heroic Age of humanity; filled with men of honour and worship of the Gods and Goddesses. When this age died out, Zeus created the final batch of humans for the Iron Age; our current, brutal age. 

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