13. hermes

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*i made a little aesthetic for hermes*

The messenger of the Gods was Hermes, son of Zeus

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The messenger of the Gods was Hermes, son of Zeus. He was the God of Boundaries, Travel, Communication, Trades, Language, Writing and Thieves. His sacred animal was a tortoise. 

His mother was Maia, daughter of Atlas. Yes, the Atlas that held up the skies. She tried to keep Hermes away from his father, and tried to hide so she wouldn't be attacked by Hera. 

As a baby, he stole fifty cows from Apollo's herd, hid forty eight of them and ate the other two. He also fashioned the lyre, which later became Apollo's symbol. When Apollo discovered fifty cows missing, he went looking for them, and someone told him they had seen a baby leading them away. 

Apollo knew of only one baby that had been born recently that would have the power to do this. He knew the Titan Maia gave birth, so he went looking for her, and told her that her child had stolen his cows. 

Apollo brought Hermes to be judged in Olympus and Zeus said that Hermes would have to give Apollo his cows back and then accept any punishment the Sun God gave him. Apollo was hoping to throw his half brother into Tartarus, but after getting his cows back, Hermes took out the lyre and played it, entrancing Apollo. 

And they agreed that if Apollo got the lyre, they would forget the whole incident and they would both be even. 

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