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You respect me ,

I respect you

Disrespect me,

Fuck you


" now back to the topic of zing "

Not this shit again .

" so does anyone knows what is a zing ? "

Yes , unfortunately .

" okay so anyway a zing is where a male finds a woman he loves "

Okay so can I go home now ?

" the male's eyes turns purple and his heart begins to beat extremely fast"

Did anyone ask ? No .

" and when he finds that right girl , their bond is unbreakable "

Yeah right , that is until he finds out your pregnant .

" but unlike Hybrids like misses Grace "

Why do I not feel offended ?

" it is very - "

Mr. Choi was abruptly cutted off when the bell suddenly rang .

Time for dinner.

I collected my belongings and headed out the door towards the canteen . I don't have much friends since I could really care less since I was a book worm . I took fried potato chips and a cheese burger with a glass of orange- aid and made my way towards the library .

The library was a huge area in this campus . It is two.buildings long and a house wide . Mostly occupied with huge wooden long rows filled with tall and short colourful colours . This is my version of heaven. Silence and loneliness.

I sat down at an oak desk and began reading a recent book I borrowed while I munched on my chips .

| Time skip.|

It was currently half five in the morning and I was walking towards the bus station jamming the song " Cardi B Press "

Lüčfēr 's Lōvê  { Bts K.t.h }  ffWhere stories live. Discover now