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I really do not give a shit anymore , 

Think what you think ,

Believe what you want ,

But just remember I cared

When no one else did .


When the  sound of screeching could of been heard . I looked up and saw my bus stopping . I hurriedly got on and paid the driver . I finally made myself comfortable in a corner seat and watched as ever was turning into a blur .

| Time Skip |

I reached home and made my way up to my room when suddenly I got a text .

I reached home and made my way up to my room when suddenly I got a text

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Jackson Wang


Yeah ?

You got a mission .

What is it ?

We got intel that bangtan had gotten a new
Shipment of drugs .

Which dock ?

Eastern Vouge

I will be there in ten minutes .

Good luck to you agent 001

Same to you agent 002

Chat is now empty

You are probably confused right ? Well I am a top agent of a government safety unit called MI 16 . And Jackson Wang is my partner in crime  and  Bangtan is a  famous drug and mafifa group.

I got dressed into :

And geared up into :

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And geared up into :

And geared up into :

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I sighed

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I sighed . Time for action . I got into my car and drove off towards the dock . Unfortunately , Jackson couldn't join this one so it a solo mission .

| Time Skip |

I finally made it . The area had a lot of tall buildings that forms a fence . It wasn't hard for me because.I was trained to scale.these things . I looked up to see a fire  exit so I jumped and balanced.my body to swing to the other higher up . I continued this for a while until I reached the very top .  I took out my sniper ( the biggest gun ) and angled it to the dock . I came here way earlier than bangtan so in the mean time I checked the area for.any security cameras or hidden bombs . I found a couple.of security cameras but I successfully removed any clues of my presence and disabled them .

Game time .

I headed back to my spot and made sure that I was fully hidden and waited.

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