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I love playing dumb , it

Allows me to see people's

True intentions .


I couldn't stay there any longer , I rushed out of that building into the parking lot , almost falling over the over grown rose bush , towards my parked vechicle . I hastily  opened the car door and began  the engine  , followed after a hash slam by the door closing . I skilfully manoeuvre myself out of my parking slot and dashed onto the free way towards my home .

I  was almost there but I felt too traumatized by the incident that I couldn't drive anymore, so I pulled over and took off the engine

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I  was almost there but I felt too traumatized by the incident that I couldn't drive anymore, so I pulled over and took off the engine . I sat in complete silence debating on what to do . I sighed as I got out and opened the storage compartment of my vechicle . I sat there , staring at the stars and listen to the waves crashing down on the shore . I wasn't crying . I felt nonthing close to that feeling , in fact , any feelings. I felt paralyzed. I felt numb . Like yesterday's newspaper , you once had something written that seem important until today came and you suddenly found yourself in the trash or just shredded into a million broken pieces . The fact that I am Lucifer's zing , just made.my life worst . It is not that he is a bad person , it is the fact that I am not ready to let my heart accept another being . Heck , he is Lucifer , he probably found some other hot chick to fuck . I sat there, unmoved  until I heard a loud roar of thunder piercing away the eerie silence . Soon after , followed a streak of  purple lightening that stabbed through the black pregnant clouds and demolished into the  light green water of the ocean . The waves grew momentum , as they rose to length of  high buildings only to come down crashing  each other , crushing anything between it . Something that looked so beautiful yet so dangerous .... Just like Lucifer . I gave up , I hopped off my vechicle , closing the trunk after it as I walked back to the driver side to start the engine and head home

Lüčfēr 's Lōvê  { Bts K.t.h }  ffWhere stories live. Discover now