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oh  Darling ,

Go buy a brain .


{ Viewer's p.o.v }

It was as if time stopped . Both figures  stared at each other . Taehyung was staring at her in complete love and affection , eyes glowing purple . Grace staring at him in confusion and curiosity .

{ Taehyung's p.o.v }

I couldn't help but run up to her and embrace her . The feeling was indescribable  beautiful . The way her petite body aligned with my muscular one  felt like  we were long lost puzzle pieces  that were finally found each other .

{ Grace's p.o.v }

I stood there awkwardly as this  unknown man just came and hugged me . It was only then my mind clicked that he was Kim Taehyung  and his eyes were glowing purple . This can't be good . He out of all people should hate me because I sabotage his drugs shipment , but then again he zinged , at first at thought it was Vanessa but now it's me . Think Grace think . Oh god what do I do ?  You know what Grace don't be a coward like your cousin Y/N in every fan fiction . I immediately pushed him off of me and did the smart thing

' I , Kim Grace , reject you , Kim Lucifer Taehyung , as my zing'

And with that being said , I headed off towards the parking lot .

{Taehyung's p.o.v }

D-did  s-she j-just  r-rejected m-me . I could feel tears running down my cheeks like a river . As much as I wanted to kidnap her  , drag her all the way to hell and marry her , my love for her is too much ,too much that if the thought of kidnapping her would ache my chest . I would give her time , even if it hurts me , to let her feelings grow and be true  . I would not be an obsessive lover nor a jealous lover . I will be a lover who patiently waits for his other half  , she could take a million years but I will still wait .

Lüčfēr 's Lōvê  { Bts K.t.h }  ffDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora