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I went towards my kitchen , silently eating  a grilled cheese while staring off into the dark living room . Memories of my  younger self flashed through my mind like bullets rapidly hitting its target .

Flash back

It was a typical Saturday morning . The pink orange hues painted the sky as the few strips of clouds on the distant horizon were gold . It was half five in the morning in the month of May . I was four , hand intertwined with my mother's as we sat together on an old wooden bench at a train station waiting for my father's return from the army . I held a crayon drawing of our family with the words "  I luv you dad. " written in bold in a semi circle in the middle . A smile plastered on my face as I saw the train rumble to a complete stop .  I got on my feet as I saw dozens of people  exiting the wide double doors . My smile.grew wider as I saw a familiar old man  exiting the bus in the same dark navey blue , camouflaged uniform I saw him left in months ago . I could remember jumping off the seat , sprinting towards my dad , mom running after me . I watched as he slowly crouched down to my level and embraced me , mom embracing us from behind  . We all stood there in complete silence , warm tears dripping down our faces . After fifteen minutes we removed each other , I handed dad my drawing only to see the same grin he always wore on his face . Mom wiped her tears and ushered us in the car as today's breakfast at " Much n' stuff "was on her .

That happiness all ended when after 2 weeks dad died of  water under the heart

A month and two days later mom died of  lung cancer .

I was sent to live with my uncles and aunts but

Uncle Padro died in a truck accident while on work

Aunty May died from  a sudden heart attack  .

My other uncle , uncle Dean died  when I was 12 because a hitman mistook him for another man

My other aunt died when I was 15 because she had abnormal breathing.

I was later sent to my grandparents .

Grandpa died when I was sixteen due to  lung cancer and

Grandma died when I was 19 when some rich guy ran over her with his some what ' expensive ' car  while speeding .

I studied really hard . Learnt 5 languages and got degrees in my math , physics , computer science ,medical,geography , art , philosophy and  business . I didn't want to be a business woman so I applied.for the Army of South Korea . I got accepted and trained . I supported in wars and served as a medical  three times . I got transferred to help Britain with their new submarine . That lasted for a year and a half  until a company , MI 16 hired me and well history . I went back to school to study German until this shit happened .

Lüčfēr 's Lōvê  { Bts K.t.h }  ffWhere stories live. Discover now