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Dear Karma ,

I have a list


People you missed .


{ your p.o.v }

Why is this fool blushing and smiling like crazy ? Maybe because he saw that hoe Vanessa . I just shrugged it off and just decided to go to the canteen and get my dinner .

| Time skip |

After waiting for an eternity for my chicken soup, I finally made my way towards the library .

{ Kim Taehyung's p.o.v }

I finally made my way through the thick crowd and began looking for you .

Hmmmm it's dinner time so she is probably at the canteen.

I ran off into the direction of the canteen only to be greeted by a room full of girls screaming their head off.

Yeah my love will never choose here .

I.started wondering off into the school . Checking classrooms to the music room . I sighed , I finally reached the library ..I opened the double decker doors to a  huge room filled  with huge mahogany shelves filled with a mixture of short and tall colourful books . To the corner had rows of huge  dark wooden desks with some what of a reddish glow . I began walking on the soft dark red carpet , admiring the beautiful paintings of demons and angels .


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Victoria ....


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Samaria ...


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Eva .....


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All arch angels and demons of history . Yes , they are all women . Great women who died for  the sake of our kind . I continued walking  until I  spot you staring right at me.

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