Deadly Delilah.

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Case Of: Delilah Joy Haenow.

-Now Delilah Joy.

"This girl has been threw a lot Doctor Evens" faint voices around me. "We've been asked by police to keep her very privatised, not to let her near our other patients until we are certain she's not a harm to them, or herself!"

"Can I have her back story please nurse?"

"She was found drug den Doctor. We haven't found any traces in her system, it's rather bizarre? The call to the emergency services states that she was high on heroine and had a reaction, causing her to attack people, two other girls and four boys and herself"

"Very well. Thank you nurse, that is all".

I heard a slam, my eyes shot open and I was in a white room.

I had no idea how or why I got here. Drug den? Heroine? This was all a lie. I can't ever remember being in places like that!

I was covered in bandages and bruises covered my entire being. I picked up a few of the bandages, deep slashes and blisters was under them. What happen to me?

My bruises wasn't even normal looking either, bright blues and greens covering me. I don't understand anything. I don't remember anything.

I glanced around my body, I didn't recognise myself. The tattoos, piercings? I'm 16. Where did they come from? I don't remember them.

I couldn't remember a thing, and when I asked about how I got here no one would tell me! I wanted them to tell me what happen, not to just over hear it.

After three months I was moved into a four person room.

Still no memory.

I met these four girls. Val, Geri and Cara. I like them and they like me.

I still couldn't remember a thing, but the nurse said that's a good thing! I could now create a whole new identity, so I did... I would be brave. Powerful. Answer to no one. Most of all, I'd be happy.

So that's what I did.

The girls liked this new me. Was this a new me? Was I being myself or someone else?

I told them what I heard and they accepted me still.


But they wasn't like me. They needed to be cared for.

Val. She seemed strong, but you could see her cracks growing... Don't worry Val I'll close them.

Geri. She was emotional, but you could see the flame in her eyes... Don't worry Geri I'll make sure you never have to light it.

Cara. She was numb, but the feeling was there... Don't worry Cara I'll make sure you feel.

I'll make sure my girls are okay. I promise.

But I'll make sure I'm okay. I can't end up here again.

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