First "I love you"

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It was after you met his mum for the first time. You were in their backyard, Ashton pushing you on the swing as he hummed one of your favourite songs, you going on about how lovely his mother is. She had cooked a lovely dinner for everyone but she insisted that you didn’t help cleaning up. Ashton had interrupted you and blurted out ‘I love you’ before you could say anything else. You smiled, repeating it back to him.


You weren’t even together when he confessed to you that he loved you. You were best friends since you were babies and would spend everyday together but when he went on tour, you talked on the phone everyday. Basically everyone knew that he loved you but he wouldn’t admit it and you didn’t notice the signs. So when you two were hanging out in your bedroom one day when he came back from tour, he finally admitted it. You were both just watching a movie when he did it and it he was beyond relieved when you said it back.


You and Luke had been friends before you started dating. You had known him for about a year before he had the courage to ask you out. He said it on your 5th date, when he brought you home. It just slipped out and he was flushed red and completely embarrassed. He basically ran away from you and wouldn’t talk to you for two days until you finally went to his house, which was where you told him that you love him too.


It took Michael a long time to tell you, even though you knew that he loved you and he showed it, he just didn’t vocalise it. You were both just playing FIFA, you not really interested because you didn’t completely understand how to play therefore Michael always won. You sighed, your mind wandering from the game and you just blurted it out, as if you lost control of your mouth when it came out because you didn’t mean to say it out loud. Michael stayed quiet for a minute until he said it back.

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