Chapter 3- 'The Monster'

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Sunlight poured through the open window, flooding the room with obnoxious rays of joy that CJ hated more than anything. Groaning, she rolled over in an attempt to forget her current duties.

"Rise and shine, cupcake! Time to properly introduce yourself to us." An all too happy Paulo burst into her room.
"Suck my dick," she replied bluntly, burying her head in the pillow.

"Not sure what Iago would think about that..."
"Shut up."
"Can't. I lost the bet, so I was nominated to- and I quote: 'Wake up the monster'. Dennis' words, not mine," Paulo explained.

In a last attempt to get her out of the bed, he pulled the covers straight off her, revealing the motionless body, clad only in tight pyjama shorts and a plain black bra.

She shrieked in realisation as the cold, morning wind hit her uncovered back.
"PAULO! I swear I will kill you if it's the last thing I do!" CJ stumbled from the bed, onto her bare feet.

"Hey!" another voice came from down the hallway, "I have dibs on murdering him!" A joking Adrian entered the room. His eyes widened in a mix of shock, horror, and desire.

"Get out of my room you pervert! OUT!" However, her shouts went unnoticed as the rest of the gang, including her uncle Dennis, rushed into the room to see what the commotion was all about.

CJ's face flushed crimson, as she searched desperately for something to cover her half-naked chest. Leo turned around upon seeing her state of undress, whereas the others, save for Iago, Paulo and Dennis, continued to allow their eyes to roam her body.

The other three, now aided by Leo, looked for an item of clothing to give her, the bedding lying forgotten upon the floor.

Since CJ had not yet had a chance to unpack, they found nothing. Quickly, Paulo pulled off his own shirt and threw it to her, which she put on gratefully.

"Thanks," she stuttered, rather embarrassed by the whole situation. The white fabric finished just beneath her hips; the bottom of her shorts still barely visible. Iago's lusting eyes shamelessly checked out his beau's toned abs.

"If everybody isn't out of this room in 5 seconds, there will be hell to pay." Dennis seethed through gritted teeth, clearly not happy with the men's reaction to CJ's previous half-dressed condition.

Stumbling out of the room, they could be heard hurrying down the stairs to lounge, to escape Dennis' wrath.

CJ collapsed onto the bed, mortified.


Less than an hour later, CJ trekked downstairs, the memories of earlier still fresh in her brain. She reached the dining room, at last, greeted by a series of wolf whistles and chuckles, cut off by a silencing cough from Leo.

Surprisingly, nobody had eaten yet, so she made her way to an empty seat between Mike and Aiden.

"Hey," Mike smiled at her. CJ smiled awkwardly in response, still uncomfortable at the stares she was receiving. She filled her plate with bacon, eggs, and toast, deciding to begin a conversation with Leo about the gang.

"What's the initiation like?" she questioned. Leo appeared shocked that she knew about it.

"It can be gruelling, but that's for a reason. If you fail initiation, it shows me that you aren't fit to lead." CJ nodded. It made sense to her for them to want to know if she would do them more harm than good.

The thoughts of her future trials left her quiet as she used a steak knife to cut up her food. Halfway through her meal, she felt something land on her knee, moving slowly up and down her thigh. Glancing to her legs, CJ realised it was Mike, his dark fingers caressing her.

"Stop," she whispered into his ear, choosing not to draw attention to the matter. The man simply grinned, traveling closer to a large rip in her jeans, drawing circles on her exposed skin.

Twirling the knife in her hand, she brought it down between his knuckles, letting go as his blood poured out.

"Damn it," she cursed, unaffected by Mike's cries of pain, "I just got these jeans as well." Turning to the boy, she scoffed at his pleas for help.

"I'm sorry," she spoke with mock interest, "Did that hurt?" Across the table, Dennis was trying hard not to laugh at the outburst, whilst the other guys attempted to tend to his wound.

A first aid kit was strewn across the kitchen counter, mostly covered in fresh blood. The metallic stench clouded the air, a red liquid still pouring from the new wound.

That ought to leave a decent scar. Teach him not to get on my bad side, CJ thought, proudly.

CJ slumped back in her chair, finishing her scrambled egg. Walking back to the bleeding man, she removed the knife from his hand, despite his protests, before wiping it clean on her palm.

"Word of advice, Mikey," she chuckled lightly, "Keep your hands to yourself."

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