Chapter 28- Revelations

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"How did you not know my father was dead?" CJ asked, her head rested in his lap.
"I know I'm technically part of the gang, but I've never really been that involved- Drew didn't seem to care all that much," Brody sighed, stroking her wavy hair that pooled onto his bed.

She grunted in acknowledgment, twisting her head away from his torso to crack her neck. The pop of her joints sent chills down his spine.
"Hey!" he shoved her off his lap, letting her fall onto the floor, "I hate when you do that."
Shooting him a sharp glare, she rolled onto her knees and stood up. 

Glancing out of the window, she grabbed her jacket from the chair she had previously thrown it over. 
"You should come with me." When all she received was a blank look, she continued.
"Back to the house. I'm sure the guys won't mind. And you can stay the night at my place."

Brody still appeared doubtful. Groaning, she tugged at his hand. 
"I want you to meet Maria. But don't mention anything- the guys don't know yet." At the mention of CJ's girlfriend, he shot up, pulling a letterman out of his closet and began to usher down the stairs.

"You got that horrendous excuse for a truck for your birthday, right?" she questioned.
"Don't insult Cleopatra," he growled, leading her into the garage. Swinging the door open, he revealed a dull, mustard-yellow pick-up truck. Cringing at the sight of the vehicle, CJ resisted the urge to laugh at both the name and colour.

"Wow," she choked out, "it somehow looks worse in person than in pictures. Who gave it to you?" Brody seemed slightly offended but answered anyway.
"Dr. Collins."
"Your boss?" 
"The one and only."

Grabbing the handle of the roller door, she opened it so he could drive out. Hopping out, Brody followed CJ over to where her bike was. Together, they lifted it into the back of the truck, securing it.

Motioning to the passenger side with his head, Brody waited for her to get in before closing the garage door, and getting back in. Turning the keys in the ignition, he pulled out of the driveway.

Entering the address into the GPS, CJ turned to look out of the window, watching the water droplets fall, casting ripples across the street. Speeding up along the curb, Brody drove the truck straight through a puddle, splashing pedestrians as they walk. Laughing for the entirety of the journey, the duo are able to fall back into their old friendship as though they had never been separated. 


Still chatting as they pulled up to the gang house, they fell out of the truck, rushing to get out of the rain. Banging desperately on the door, Brody pushes the wet hair from his face as Adrian opened the door.

"Hey, I'm Adrian. Who are you?" Slinking past them, inside, CJ peeled off her drenched jacket, stepping back to observe the scene. As she moved, she bumped into Leo, who steadied her before she could fall to the floor.
"Are you okay?" Adrian's voice came again from the doorway. The entrance as now closed, but Brody remained silent, staring, awe-struck, at Adrian.

"Who- ARE- you?" the Australian over-enunciated every word with deafening clarity.
"," Brody breathed quietly, entranced by the man. Hearing his response, CJ began to laugh, though masked her humour with a cough.

"What?" Adrian asked in disbelief. Brody cleared his throat, glaring daggers at his best friend for mocking him.
"I'm Brody."
"Where did boss lady pick you up?" He appeared taken aback.

"What's that supposed to mean?"
"I just mean, most of the guys coming through here are far less... cute... than you. They're usually middle-aged men with fragile egos." At that, CJ interrupted with a sharp cough, drawing attention back to her. She led the men into the lounge, where the others sat, watching 'Hell's Kitchen' re-runs. 

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