Chapter 5- Guns

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"CJ Dickson. You were chosen to lead the Mafia as a direct descendant of the original Díaz clan that began the gang. By accepting this role, you will be in charge of over 2000 soldiers worldwide, as well as the gang activity in our area." Leo began to almost lecture her,

"As the stand-in leader, it is my job to test you in this initiation. If I had it my way, I would be in charge, but it doesn't work that way."

CJ cracked her knuckles impatiently, a habit she had not yet gotten rid of.
"In order to prove that you are able to run a gang, let alone the mafia, we will test you in 5 areas: Guns, Combat, Leadership, Physicality, and Intelligence."

"You ready?" Paulo asked, "My father said it took yours three weeks to finish initiation, and your mother took two."

"Guess I'm aiming for one then."


The seven men and CJ gathered in a long room. Two sets of tables ran from top to bottom. Upon them lay three guns per table.

Leo explained, "Assemble all the guns in 5 minutes. That's your first task." The girl laughed at the simple task- she could assemble a gun in her sleep.

The men were all on their toes as Aiden started the stopwatch.


CJ got to work, her rough hands moving effortlessly along the dark metal set before her. Clicks echoed through the spacious hall, as she made her way down the first row of tables.

In half of the time, she had assembled nine guns and moved on to the second set of guns.

"Damn," Iago mumbled as the young woman finished assembling the last gun.
"Done." she exhaled triumphantly.

Leo appeared awestruck. Aiden stared at the clock he held in disbelief.
"Wow. You're faster than Leo!"

"I didn't think anyone could be faster than Leo," Mike teased, the boys behind him hooting with laughter at the innuendo.

"Shut up, Michael." Leo seethed.
CJ chuckled at the men's immaturity.
"Come on now, Mikey," she spoke to him in a condescending tone, "how do you know how 'fast' Leo is, anyway?"

Both Leo and Mike's faces turned crimson at the thought until Dennis brought them back to reality.

"You know there's still more to the gun section... right?"
"Right, yeah, on it!"


Before she knew it, CJ found herself in an empty private shooting range. It seemed familiar, but she didn't know where from. Beside her stood her uncle and Leo, whilst the rest of the group watched from afar.

"It's a simple task. Three shots. Two to kill: head and chest, one to wound: foot," Leo instructed her slowly.

"Whatever, dude, no need to mansplain," she interrupted. Lifting the gun at the mannequin the boys just happened to keep around, CJ fired four shots confidently.

Leo looked triumphant.
"I said three shots. Not four. Or is maths not in your skillset?"

"Real funny, dipshit," she rolled her eyes, "but actually, I decided on a fourth to show Mikey and Mike Jr. what'll happen if he touches me again.

Her smirk reappeared on her face as she watched Mike hold his bandaged hand to his chest. Leo remained confused as he studied the wooden statue.

Bullet hole in the head: Check ✔
Bullet hole in the chest: Check✔
Bullet hole in the foot: Check✔

Scanning the lane for the fourth bullet he found it in the most painfully obvious place. What else did he expect from her?

Bullet hole in the crotch: Check✔


"Congrats, Cee," Adrian wrapped an arm around her shoulders, as the group made their way back to the house.

"Ew. Don't call me that. You can't abbreviate an abbreviation," CJ chastised.
"Can, will, did," he laughed, snapping his fingers in her face.

Pushing his arm off her, she walked over to the couple of the group.
"Speak of the devil..." Paulo chuckled, "We were just wondering about you."

"What about me?"
"If you were... ticklish," Iago stumbled over his words, due to the clear embarrassment.
"Why the hell were you wondering about that?"

As if on cue, she felt hands on her waist, fingers moving to tickle the cold girl.

However, her reflexes kicked in before they succeeded. She grabbed one hand, spinning her assailant in front of her before kicking them to the floor.

"God dammit, Aiden! Crap, are you alright?" The winded boy sat coughing on the floor, shaking his head.

"Je suis désolé, petit fils. Je ne voulais pas te faire mal. Pardonne-moi, s'il vous plaît." He visibly calmed down at the sound of his native tongue.

"Non, c'était mon faux. Je n'aurais pas dû te toucher." At the sound of the commotion, Leo, who had gone ahead to open the house, rushed out.

"What the hell happened here?" he motioned to CJ crouching next to Aiden on the floor, "Somebody had better start talk or I'm beating all of your asses!"

Aiden mustered the strength to sit up fully.
"It was my fault, Leo..."
"What. Happened." Leo's tone changed to a snarl as he commanded an answer.

It was Paulo who next spoke.
"Well, we were wondering if CJ was ticklish-"

Leo appeared perplexed.
"Why the hell did you want to know that?"
"You know what? I don't even want to know."

"Still, I want to know why Aiden is on the floor, wheezing" This time it was CJ that replied.
"I... had a bad... experience... with tickling, so when he came up behind me, my reflexes kicked in and-" She motioned to Aiden who sat patiently on the floor listening to her.

"I really am sorry, CJ," the youngest member replied.
"It's fine, ma cherie, you really did nothing wrong." CJ hung her head, ashamed at her reaction, before jogging back to the house.   

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