Chapter 29- Inescapable Truth

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"CJ!" Leo pounded on the door, "You've got to let me in."
"I don't have to do anything," she seethed, "especially not for liars." The man outside began to plead for forgiveness, begging for her to open the door. 

Outside, the gang leader could hear other voices, but she blocked them out, leaning her head against the door, sinking to the floor. Hugging her knees she let her consciousness slip away.


"Stop!" a young girl cried out. She was no older than sixteen, slumped against a wall, cowering away from the advancing figure.
"You needed him," a deep voice growled, "he offered my identity protection. And you threw that away! For what?"
"He hurt me..." she whimpered.

"Hurt?" the voice grew louder, "Damn it, Julia! Whatever he did to you, you can bet I'll be worse."
"Please, sir," her words were barely a whisper, "I'll do anything... don't punish me for this." A sharp slap was delivered to her cheek, making her face sting.
"What have I told you about begging?" the man was shouting at this point, "How dare you show weakness! You're a disgrace to this family. I told your mother we should have gotten rid of you."

With every word, Julia backed further into the corner, away from the man. 
"I come back to London three times a year and I find out my disgraceful excuse of a daughter has left yet another man I chose for you. I should have killed you. For what you did... you should be dead... you're just lucky..." 

His sentence trailed off as his eyes raked over the thin form of the girl in front of him. 
"You will be punished accordingly." Moving his hand to his belt, he pulled out a long leather rope, cracking the whip next to him. Flinching at the noise, Julia crawled further away, despite her father beckoning her to him.

"Come here, now." His command left no room for negotiation. Reluctantly, she stood, walking over. He gestured for her to grab onto the low metal pole that ran across the ceiling.
"This time, twenty lashings for your disobedience." With each strike, her grip on the pipe tightened.

Despite the urge to yell out, to cry, she remained silent, counting the beatings in her head. When they stopped, she lowered her arms, stumbling to stay upright. Her crimson blood dripped onto the carpet. 
"Don't be so foolish next time."

The door slammed, leaving her alone at last.


CJ was half-aware that she was being lifted, but her fatigue and stress caused her to simply curl into whoever was carrying her. A low chuckle escaped their throat. She felt her body bounce, indicating that they were bringing her upstairs.

After some time, they lowered her into her bed, pulling the covers over her. Slowly, her eyes partly opened, enough to see who was there. 
"Why didn't you tell me?" she managed to croak, "If you're Alicia's son... you should be in charge."

"No," Leo shook his head sincerely, "my grandfather was Rafael Cortes. He attempted to take the gang from your grandfather, Carlos Días, resulting in him being... killed. His wife, my grandmother, Lucía, chose to stay, with her son, Orlando, but they were still treated as outsiders. My mother- the next in line to rule the mafia- having a relationship with my father, Orlando- part of the family that attempted to overthrow the Díaz family- wouldn't have been allowed."

CJ nodded understandingly, urging him to continue.
"Eventually, my father died when the police did a drug bust on one of our workshops, and my mother married Andrew. She became callous and cold, but she never mistreated me." CJ felt a pang of jealousy. Alicia was never kind to her. Only cruel.

"When she died... I felt empty for days. I knew she was a bad person but she was my mom. I want to say she loved me but I'm not so sure," Leo hung his head, "They never told me who killed her, but if that son of a bitch is still alive I'll return the favour." His boss cringed at his words. 

"I found out about you when I was eleven, you would've been nine at the time. Andrew... he seemed so proud about what he'd done to you. He said he'd 'broken you', like how you tame a horse. I remember being so angry- I had a little sister and this man hurt her. I was already so protective of you, and I'd never met you."

"I wanted to go to London with him, to meet you, to help you, but he refused. I'm so sorry." His voice cracked slightly, tears pooling in his eyes. Raising her hand, CJ wiped the moisture from his cheek.
"It's fine. I'm fine. It isn't your fault." As he swallowed nervously, he placed his palm over her knuckles.

"But Leo... I should tell you something." She rubbed the back of her neck, clearing her throat.
"I know who killed our mother. I know who killed Alicia." Leo sprung to his feet, staring intently at her.
"Who?" When she didn't reply, his expression morphed into desperation as he asked again.

"I did. I shot her." The words slowly processed in his head. 
"You... you were only eight... how?"
"We were at the shooting range- the one you took me to at the beginning of summer?- and she was teaching me to shoot. She would cut me every time I didn't hit dead centre. I don't remember it completely; I guess I just snapped and turned the gun on her. I shot my bullseye that time."

CJ let out a morbid laugh.
"Drew came in when he heard her cry... but she was long gone. He would've killed me if Dennis hadn't convinced him to just send me away." Leo's face went slack as though he was considering something. After some time, he dropped himself onto the bed next to his sister. 

"I don't blame you," he mumbled, "I would've done the same thing. You shouldn't have had to deal with all of that on your own."
"That wasn't your fault either, Cortes," CJ reassured, "you were young too. You're here for me now. That's what matters. Just do me one favour though..."

"Anything." Leo turned to face her.
"Burn that goddamned whip. I think it still has my dry blood on it." He took a moment to compute what she had said.
"Drew used this on you?" He pulled the leather weapon out of his belt loop, where it had been coiled, holding it away from him.

Wordlessly, CJ rolled over, lifting her shirt up slightly, revealing the scars that covered her back.
"These lines..." Leo mumbled, lightly tracing over a set of long, deep, closed wounds that decorated her lower back, "these are from that whip, aren't they?"

Pulling the material back down, she shifted to look at him, nodding solemnly.
"He gave you that whip in the hopes that you would put it back to use on me..." Leo almost growled in anger. His dark eyes spoke for him. Deep down, CJ knew that he would never hurt her. His protectiveness was almost scary.

"I just met my little sister and I don't plan on letting her go anytime soon."

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