Chapter 30- October Nights

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a/n- This chapter is loosely based around this song^^ (we fell in love in october~ girl in red), so listen as you read.

CJ tugged at Maria's arm.
"Come with me, I want to show you something," she laughed, pulling her along. The two women ran together, racing up three flights of stairs. Their chuckles died down as they reached a trap door, pale moonlight shining through a small window, casting faint shadows on the steps. 

"This is my favourite place in the whole house." Pushing the door open, CJ stepped through, leading the way for Maria. Above them, an ocean of dark clouds and bright stars encompassed the sky, blending into the flickering lights of the city below.

"Wow," Maria sighed, breathlessly. CJ motioned for her towards the plaid picnic blanket lying on the floor. Sitting side by side, the two of them leaned back, looking up into the night. Pulling a cigarette out of her pocket, she lit it and lifted it to her lips. 

"It's beautiful," Maria mused, gazing up at the moon.
"Yeah," CJ exhaled slowly, her eyes never leaving Maria's face, "Who would've thought we'd up here, together? Spending a warm evening star gazing."
"Warm?" her girlfriend scoffed, "It's October!"
"Your point is...?" 

"Whatever," she rolled her eyes, grabbing the cigarette from CJ's hand, "I love fall. It's the best."
"No argument there, though I prefer autumn."
"Okay, Brit." The couple giggled, shoving their shoulders into each other.

Maria lifted her hand, tracing a constellation in the sky.
"Orion," CJ informed.
"Yep, 'The Hunter'," the former finished, "It feels so far away, all of it. It's hard to not feel insignificant."

"You're hardly insignificant to me. The opposite, rather," CJ traced shapes onto her cheeks, pinching them slightly.
"Hey!" Maria protested, swatting her hand away.
"I just can't believe someone like you would want to be with someone like me. I'm hardly a good person."

"I don't expect you to be. I know what you have to do in your job and I know that you'd never hurt me- isn't that enough?" CJ smiled softly, rolling onto her side, staring deeply into Maria's eyes. Lifting her arm, she cupped her chin, pulling her gently towards her.
"I really don't deserve you."

Leaning closer together, their lips joined, brushing against each other, lightly at first, though it quickly deepened as Maria wrapped her arm around CJ's waist, tugging her until their chests were pressed firmly together. Their hands roamed each other's bodies, moving freely. Finally, they broke apart, panting for breath.

 CJ brushed her shirt down, which had ridden up. They lay there for a moment, unmoving, studying one another. Maria's face was tinted red from blushing so profusely. After a while, they stood, going to the edge of the roof, sitting with their legs hanging over the edge. 

"Don't look down," CJ instructed, wrapping her arm around Maria's waist.
"You shouldn't worry about me so much. I'm not going anywhere. I'm here to stay," the latter grinned joyously. 

"I still can't believe you're mine," the gang leader confessed.
"Yours, huh?"
"Mhm. My girl." 

Maria laughed, the noise landing on CJ's ears; her heart rate increased as she took her hand in her own. 
"Let's head back in, it's getting cold," she suggested, watching how Maria shivered, clutching her bare arms. Shrugging off her coat, she handed it to her girlfriend, laughing due to the sleeves only reaching her mid-forearm.

Giggling like teenagers, the two ran, hand in hand, down the stairs to CJ's room, which had recently become their shared bedroom. When they reached the door, they both hurried inside, slamming it behind them. Without missing a beat, Maria smashed her lips into CJ's, catching her by surprise. 

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