Chapter 11- Family comes first

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A/N Fun Fact: this is actually the first chapter I typed up on my phone months ago (edited obviously)
Also, look at me uploading at obscene times of the day (00:00)

Hours later, everyone was gathered around a campfire in the middle of what seemed to be the remains of a building. Colourful graffiti covered large chunks of a brick wall, which the gang had sat on in a semi-circle by the dancing flames.

The scent of burnt sugar filled the air, melted chocolate dripping onto the floor.

"You're never too old for s'mores," Paulo laughed, slinging an arm over Iago, as CJ sunk her teeth into her own Graham cracker. She moaned in agreement as the marshmallow melted in her mouth.

Leo sat next to her on a piece of rubble; the rest of the men surrounded her. Her eyebrows knit in confusion, moving a hand to wipe crumbs from her chin.

"Here," Mike stepped forward.
"Uh... what's this, exactly?"
"Your ring. Passed down between leaders over the last century- that means it's yours now."

"Wow. Thanks," she murmured quietly under her breath, taking the simple gold band from his palm, her fingers gently brushing his hand. Mike recoiled at the sparks that travelled up his arms, shaking his head to get rid of the feeling.

"It's a bit... big," Aiden explained, "We didn't think anything of it, but you aren't exactly what we were expecting."
"What do you- Oh, you were expecting a dude," she smiles in amusement, slipping the ring onto her thumb.

Examining the metal carefully, she came across a small inscription that she couldn't read.
"It means 'Family comes first' in Latin," Leo whispers in her ear, his hot breath fanning her cheek. 

Familia est prima. 

"These guys are my family," he gestured to the men goofing around the fire, "I didn't know if I could trust you, initially, and I'm still not entirely sure- I feel as though you are hiding something."

"But, you have proven to me that you will be a great leader in the Díaz mafia. Trust will come later." CJ nodded in agreement, as a comfortable silence descended upon them.


At daybreak, CJ was still sitting at the desk in her temporary room, charcoal in hand, sketching in an empty book. Groaning at the snap of another piece of charcoal, she slammed the book shut, opening her laptop that was charging next to her.

Time to find a new house, so I can finally get some peace and quiet, she thought to herself.

Pulling up an estate agent's website, she scoured the internet for a house near to the boys, but far enough away that she had some privacy. Her weary eyes settled on a beautiful mansion down the road when a loud Crack indicated the removal of her door's hinges for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"What in the-" she leaned over to where her door used to be, only to see no one there. Gritting her teeth to control most of her anger, she stood and wheeled her chair back to the table. This time, there would be hell to pay.

Before leaving her room, she grabbed her set of throwing knives, a gun and a whip (just for fun). Storming down the stairs, she kicked open the dining room door to be greeted by six terrified faces and Dennis' slightly entertained expression.

Cracking her whip, for dramatic effect, she stepped over the threshold. Unnoticed by her, her uncle slipped out of the door to the kitchen.

"Which one of you absolute fools defaced my room this time? Come clean now and I'll let you choose your punishment," she almost growled at them. Before anyone had the chance to own up, Dennis barged back into the room, calling her name from behind her.

Spinning around, she came face to face with a tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream. Her normally chestnut-coloured eyes darkened with rage as she realised his insinuation.

"Did you just assume I'm on my period because I'm angry? Are you serious?
"Are you not?"
CJ paused to think before snatching the ice cream and flipping him off. The whole room let out a sigh of relief. 

"This doesn't mean you're getting out of your punishment, asshole! The second I'm done I'm using you for target practice."


That is how Adrian found himself strapped to a wheel in the house's basement. "When you said 'target practice' this isn't what I had in mind..." he bit his lip nervously. It was almost too easy for her to catch him and tie him to the spinning contraption.

Warily, Leo edged closer to her,
"Remember what I said about trust? This is sort of doing the opposite of building it."
CJ simply smirked knowingly, before continuing to arrange her knives in size order on apparently an old mayo tray stand.

"You know, I never really noticed your serial killer tendencies until now," Adrian chuckled drily, as CJ cleaned her nails with the smallest blade. 

Dennis walked up to Leo, placing a caring hand on his shoulder, pulling him down to whisper in his ear: "She never misses."
"But-" he interjects.

Twirling her index finger in a circle, CJ motioned for Mike to spin the wheel. Starting with a knife barely over two inches, she launched it at the cork surface. It landed soundlessly to the left of Adrian's head.

Making her way along the set, her knives landed closer and closer to his body. Finally, her short nails tapped the metallic handle of the last blade. Holding it up to her face, she checked her reflection.

Unexpectedly, she threw it, attaching it to the board right between his legs. She waved at the boys to free him from her trap.
"If anybody else wants to piss me off whilst I'm busy AND on my period, I'll be in my room."

The trapdoor slammed shut, leaving the rest of them awestruck at the demonstration of her dominance and skill.

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