Chapter 6- Combat

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CJ woke up to her head smacking against something cool and hard.
"Bloody hell," she murmured, blinking to open her eyes. Everything appeared blurry to her.

From what she could tell, she was in a metal crate, with one other person.
"Hey, " it was Dennis, "here." He placed a small package in her hands which she gratefully opened. 

She blinked, hard, and everything came into focus. She seemed to be in the back of a truck, in a steel cage.
"Why on earth am I here?" she rubbed two fingers on her temple to calm her pounding head. Dennis offered her a small, apologetic smile.

"Initiation, part two," was all he could say. CJ groaned and looked down at her outfit. Black leggings and combat boots hid the ink that decorated her legs, whilst a white tank top and her usual leather jacket covered her upper half.

She paused in thought for a second. 
"Who dressed me?!" Her shrieks echoed through the vehicle, and she swore she could hear some chuckles from the front.

"Paulo did. He was the... best... option... to see you indecent." Dennis explained.
"Huh," she raised her voice slightly, "Paulo, you have great fashion sense!" She waited for a reply from the front.

"Hell yeah, I do."


Finally, the truck stopped, and the tarp was lifted from CJ's temporary prison. Natural light burned through her shut eyes, causing her to bring her forearm up to shield them.

There were a loud scraping noise and a thump, as the cage was dragged out and dropped carelessly onto the floor. 
"Ow, asshole!" CJ cried indignantly, "I have nerve cells you know- shit hurts."

"Sorry, not sorry," Mike chuckled, roughly dragging the crate towards a ramp.
"Ok, Demi Lovato," she seethed, "why am I in this box anyway? I have legs, I can walk."

Leo chuckled from beside her.
"Where we're going- it's not exactly legal as such. So, most people brought here are unwilling, if you catch my drift."

"Oh, great, you're gonna tell a bunch of big white dudes that you've kidnapped me, in order to turn me into a cage fighter. Can't see this going wrong."

"That's the spirit," Adrian slapped the roof of the box.
"Shut up, Parker."

Finally, the boys wheeled their 'prisoner' into a large outdoor arena, situated on a cliff, overlooking a roaring sea. Angry cries and yelps of pain filled the air, bursting CJ's eardrums.

She reaches her hand out, grabbing Leo's and pulls him down to her level.
"What's initiation, part 2?"


In the centre of an open field, a metal, chain link cage was erected on a raised podium. Inside, two sweaty bodybuilders were going at each other. Suddenly, there was a sickening crunch, as one man was thrown out, one side of his skull bashed in.

"You're sending me in there?" CJ whispered to Aiden, her face impassive.
"Sorry, boss," he breathed quietly. Their brief conversation was interrupted by a booming voice on a sound system.

"Anyone else have a contender they think can beat El Segador?"

CJ scoffed.
"Seriously? The Reaper? Talk about a basic bitch." Without warning, Leo shouted out, his authoritative voice carrying above the yells of the unruly crowd.
"We do!"

At the thought of fighting El Segador, CJ smirked slightly, muttering under her breath.
"Tráelo, perra." Leo looked down at her, smiling slightly,  alerting her to the fact that he heard her slight profanities.

"You have a lot of self-confidence for someone currently sitting in a box, pequeña," he chuckled.
"On the contrary, jefe," she retorted, condescendingly, "I could've gotten out of here in three, no four, different ways, but I didn't. 'Cause I want to show you idiotas what I'm capable of. And that you can trust me."

He nodded apprehensively, before motioning for the rest of the gang to wheel her over to the gate.
"Entrance fee," a fed-up looking man asks, eyeing the men's 'fighter' suspiciously.
"Careful," she grins, looking at him through the bars, "I bite." She demonstrates with an aggressive movement of her jaw.

The guy kisses his teeth, pulling her carelessly from the crate and throwing her into the cage in which El Segador stood, hunched over in the corner, watching his next victim studiously, until his self-assured expression fell back onto his face.

"Una puta? Esto será fácil" he growls, his yellowing teeth on full display.
"No soy una puta, soy tu peor pesadilla," CJ laughs casually.
"Well then, pesadilla," the fighter bends closer to her, "what's your name?"

"I go by many names, viejo amigo, but I believe the most well-known alias of mine is..." she paused, uncertain.
"Yes?" El Segador tapped his foot impatiently on the cool metal floor, awaiting an answer from his unlikely, soon-to-be-dead opponent.

"The name I most often go by is La Serpiente Negra."

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